首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation >Endemic plant species composition and their status in Boda Dry Evergreen Montane Forest, West Showa, Ethiopia

Endemic plant species composition and their status in Boda Dry Evergreen Montane Forest, West Showa, Ethiopia




The present study was aimed to show the species compositions and their status in Boda forest Oromia Regional State, West Ethiopia. Systematic sampling method was used to collected vegetation data from 60 plots of 20 x 20 m (400 m2) quadrats laid at every 50 m along five transect lines from south-north direction was employed for the analysis of woody species using compass and subplots of 1 x 1 m at the four corners and the center of the large quadrat was used for herbaceous plants. A total of 133 species of plants (herbs, shrubs, lianas and trees) were recorded. Out of these, 11 plant species were endemic which have been included in the preliminary list assessed for IUCN Red Data List, of which 1 species is nearly threatened, one species is vulnerable, and the other nine of them are at the status least concern. To provide a better management and monitoring as well as to maintain the biodiversity, cultural and economic values of the forest unsustainable used would be controlled by implementing various conservation activities in place.
机译:本研究旨在显示西埃塞俄比亚博达森林奥罗米亚州的物种组成及其地位。使用系统采样方法从南北方向的5条样线中每隔50 m的60个20 x 20 m(400 m2)样方的地块上收集植被数据,使用罗盘和1个子图对木本物种进行分析。在四个角和大方形的中心处x 1 m用于草本植物。总共记录了133种植物(草本,灌木,藤本植物和树木)。在这些物种中,有11种是特有的,已被列入IUCN红色数据清单评估的初步清单中,其中1种濒临灭绝,一种很脆弱,其他9种处于最不用关注的状态。为了提供更好的管理和监测以及维持生物多样性,将通过实施各种保护活动来控制不可持续使用的森林的文化和经济价值。



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