
Shift Work and Stress




Disturbance of circadian rhythms can affectconcentration, motivation, and reaction time, particularly at night.This combination can result in an increased risk of accidents andinjury and health problems. Symptoms of the health problems relatedto the disturbance of biological clock, were considered as Stressproblem categories like (a) Sleeplessness; (b) Stress; (c) Anxiety; (d)Anger; (e) Depression; and (f) Mental perturbations. Stress andMental health affected individuals among the shift workers wereidentified based on their own ratings and respondents, on their ownperception rated each of the symptom on a 4-point scale. Only thoserespondents, who have rated them either Medium or High degreeonly were considered as the individual affected by stress. On thewhole, 143 respondents were identified as stress affected, and someof them with more than one symptom. Respondents with more thanone stress symptoms were considered under Multisymptom groups offour orders based on the number of symptoms manifested. Of the total97 MS respondents, only 5 (3.5%) were in the MS5 group,manifesting all the five symptoms. The frequency of the MS2, MS3,and MS4 were recorded at 27.97%, 22.38% and 13.99%,respectively. Further, it is essential that an ideal rotation of the shiftsbe adopted so as to reduce the sleeplessness and fatigue among theshift workers.
机译:昼夜节律的紊乱会影响注意力,动力和反应时间,尤其是在晚上。这种结合会导致事故,伤害和健康问题的风险增加。与生物钟紊乱有关的健康问题的症状被认为是压力问题类别,例如:(a)失眠; (b)压力; (c)焦虑; (危险; (e)沮丧; (f)精神困扰。根据他们自己的等级和受访者来识别轮班工人中受压力和心理健康影响的个体,并根据他们自己的感知以4分制对每个症状进行评级。只有那些将他们评为“中级”或“高级”的受访者才被视为受压力影响的个人。整个调查中,有143名受访者被确认为受压力影响,其中一些人有一种以上的症状。根据症状的数量,在四个症状的多症状组中考虑了压力症状多于一个的受访者。在总共97位MS受访者中,只有5位(3.5%)属于MS5组,具有所有这五个症状。 MS2,MS3和MS4的频率分别记录为27.97%,22.38%和13.99%。此外,至关重要的是采用理想的轮班旋转以减少轮班工人的失眠和疲劳。



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