首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine >Clinical evaluation of an Ayurvedic therapy– Sutashekhara Rasa and Brihat Jeevakadya Taila Nasya in the management of Ardhavabhedaka (Migraine)

Clinical evaluation of an Ayurvedic therapy– Sutashekhara Rasa and Brihat Jeevakadya Taila Nasya in the management of Ardhavabhedaka (Migraine)

机译:阿育吠陀疗法Sutashekhara Rasa和Brihat Jeevakadya Taila Nasya在Ardhavabhedaka(偏头痛)治疗中的临床评价



Ardhavabhedaka- hemicranial headache is a psychosomatic disorder: later replaced by migraine a Greek word "half of the head" because the pain of migraine often occurs on one side(classical Migraine) may affect the entire head . The term "migraine" refers to a syndrome of vascular pathology of the cranial blood vessels and is one of the commonest headache encountered in clinical practise . The survey results suggested that both patients and physicians believe migraine treatment is elusive and that patients are becoming increasingly frustrated and dissatisfied with treatment outcomes . Clinically, it is a Rakta / Pitta dominant disease;and Acharya Charaka opined that the vitiated Doshas after reaching Shirah vitiates Rakta ( Rasavaha and Raktavaha Srotas ) there to produce Shiro Roga (headache ). Its diagnosis is based on mainly clinical history . For the present study, it was planned to compare the result between Brihat Jeevakadhya Taila Nasya and Sutashekhara Rasa orally ( Pitashamaka, Raktashodhaka, Deepana etc .) in Treatment Trial group and Flunarizine in Control group . The overall effect of therapy showed that in Trial group 80 . 00% patients had marked improvement, followed by moderate improvement in 13 . 33% and complete improvement in 6 . 67% . In control group marked and moderate improvement was seen in 60 . 00% and 33 . 33% respectively; and 6 . 67% had mild improvement . No any adverse drug reaction was found during whole study . Total 30 patients were registered and from the results and observation which were received from this study it can be concluded that Trial group is showing better results in Ardhavabhedaka
机译:Ardhavabhedaka-偏头痛是一种心身疾病:后来被偏头痛代替,希腊词“半个头”,因为偏头痛经常发生在一侧(典型的偏头痛)可能会影响整个头部。术语“偏头痛”是指颅内血管的血管病理综合症,并且是临床实践中最常见的头痛之一。调查结果表明,患者和医生都认为偏头痛治疗是难以捉摸的,并且患者对治疗结果的沮丧和不满日益增加。从临床上说,这是Rakta / Pitta占主导地位的疾病; Acharya Charaka认为到达Shirah后受毒的Doshas使那里的Rakta(Rasavaha和Raktavaha Srotas)失去免疫力,从而产生Shiro Roga(头痛)。诊断主要基于临床病史。在本研究中,计划比较治疗试验组的Brihat Jeevakadhya Taila Nasya与口服Sutashekhara Rasa(Pitashamaka,Raktashodhaka,Deepana等)和对照组的氟尿利嗪之间的结果。治疗的总体效果显示,在试验组80中。 00%的患者有显着改善,其次为13。 33%,并且在6中有全面改进。 67%。对照组60例有明显改善。 00%和33。分别为33%;和6。 67%有轻度改善。在整个研究过程中未发现任何药物不良反应。共登记了30例患者,从本研究获得的结果和观察中可以得出结论,试验组在Ardhavabhedaka表现出更好的结果



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