首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Basic and Applied Biology: IJBAB >Evaluation of Beal (Aegle marmelos Correa) Genotypes for Marphological, Quality and Yield Related Characters

Evaluation of Beal (Aegle marmelos Correa) Genotypes for Marphological, Quality and Yield Related Characters

机译:Beal(Aegle marmelos Correa)基因型的形态,品质和产量相关性状评估



Beal fruit is important from religious, nutritional andmedicinal considerations. Wide variations in tree ,leaf, fruit and yieldrelated characters exist in different areas. Therefore, the presentstudy entitled “Evaluation of bael (Aegle marmelos Correa)genotypes for marphological,quality and yield related characters ”was undertaken to evaluate growth and yield in 20 Accessions ofbael from Odisha. This investigation was under taken during 2013 indifferent locations with 3 replications. A single tree was selected fortree characters and five fruits for fruit characters as the ideal samplesize. All the quantitative characters were statistically analyzed andqualitative characters visually observed. The results revealed thatsignificant variation existed in respect of tree height, number ofprimary branches, tree spread, total chlorophyll content of leaf, leafarea, fruit weight, fruit size, number of fruits, pulp weight, rindweight, number of seeds, total seed weight, fiber weight of the fruit.Both fruit weight and pulp weight was recorded maximum in Acc.7while number of fruits were found maximum in Acc.3.
机译:从宗教,营养和医学方面考虑,珍珠果很重要。不同地区的树,叶,果实和产量相关性状差异很大。因此,开展了题为“鲍尔(Aegle marmelos Correa)基因型的形态,品质和产量相关性状的评价”的研究,以评价20种来自奥里萨邦的鲍尔的生长和产量。这项调查是在2013年不同地点进行的,重复了3次。选择单个树作为树形角色,选择五个水果作为果实形作为理想样本大小。对所有定量特征进行统计分析并目测定性特征。结果表明,在树高,主要分枝数,树蔓延,叶片总叶绿素含量,叶面积,果实重量,果实大小,果实数量,果肉重量,果皮重量,种子数量,总种子重量方面存在显着变化。水果的纤维重量。水果的重量和果肉重量均在Acc.7中记录为最大值,而水果的数量在Acc.3中则显示为最大值。



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