首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology >Study of prescription pattern of antiglaucoma drugs used in treatment of primary open angle glaucoma in ophthalmology outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital

Study of prescription pattern of antiglaucoma drugs used in treatment of primary open angle glaucoma in ophthalmology outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital




Background: In view of the high prevalence rates and the fact that medication is the primary line of treatment in POAG, an understanding of prescribing patterns can provide an insight into rational use of antiglaucoma drugs. Methods: This prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted in the glaucoma clinic of a tertiary care teaching hospital over a period of 12 months. Data from prescriptions of patients with POAG was recorded to study the prescribing pattern of antiglaucoma medications, completeness of the prescription and analysis of the prescriber’s influence. Results: Total of 103 prescriptions were included in which all the 141 anti-glaucoma drugs were prescribed as eye drops. Average number of drugs prescribed in present study was 1.36. β blockers, particularly Timolol (58%) was the most frequently prescribed drug. Timolol with dorzolamide (15%) was the only prescribed fixed dose combination. Prostaglandin analogues (5%) were least commonly prescribed. 53% drugs were prescribed by generic names and 43% were prescribed from hospital formulary. Instructions regarding the route and frequency of drug administration with duration of treatment were present in all prescriptions; however, instructions regarding method of instillation of eye drops were missing. Authors observed prescriber’s influence in present study. Conclusions: Overall prescribing pattern in our set up is satisfactory. There is a need to sensitize the prescribers regarding the importance of writing method of instillation in prescription as this could improve efficacy reduce side effects, prevent drug wastage and reduce cost. To encourage the physicians for rational prescribing such type of studies should be done more often for periodic auditing of prescriptions.
机译:背景:鉴于较高的患病率以及药物是POAG治疗的主要途径这一事实,对处方方式的理解可以为合理使用抗青光眼药物提供见解。方法:这项前瞻性,横断面研究是在三级教学医院的青光眼诊所进行的,为期12个月。记录POAG患者处方的数据,以研究抗青光眼药物的处方模式,处方的完整性以及对处方者的影响进行分析。结果:总共包括103个处方,其中141种抗青光眼药物全部作为眼药水。本研究中规定的平均药物数量为1.36。 β受体阻滞剂,尤其是Timolol(58%)是​​最常用的处方药。替莫洛尔与多佐胺(15%)是唯一处方的固定剂量组合。最不常用的是前列腺素类似物(5%)。 53%的药品使用通用名处方,43%的处方来自医院处方。所有处方中都有关于药物的给药途径和频率以及治疗持续时间的说明。但是,有关滴眼液滴注方法的说明不存在。作者在本研究中观察了处方者的影响。结论:我们的总体处方模式是令人满意的。有必要使处方者意识到滴注书写方法在处方中的重要性,因为这可以提高疗效,减少副作用,防止药物浪费并降低成本。为了鼓励医师合理开药,应更频繁地进行此类研究以定期审核处方。



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