首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances >Effects of Breed, Calving Season and Parity on Milk Yield, Body Weight and Efficiency of Dairy Cows under Subtropical Conditions

Effects of Breed, Calving Season and Parity on Milk Yield, Body Weight and Efficiency of Dairy Cows under Subtropical Conditions




Records of 354 Holstein Friesian (HF) and Brown Swiss (BS) cows born from 1986 to 2006 at Las Margaritas research station, under subtropical conditions of Mexico, were analyzed to estimate milk yield per lactation (MYL, n = 1229), milk yield per day (MYD, n = 1227), milk yield per calving interval (MYCI, n = 929), lactation length (LL, n = 1229), calving weight (CW, n = 1164) and efficiency of milk production (EMP, n = 890). The cows were daughters of 144 sires and 232 dams. Models included breed of cow (2 classes: HF and BS), calving year (22 classes: 1989-2010), calving season (3 classes: cold, from November to February; dry, from March to June; and rainy, from July to October), lactation number (4 classes: 1, 2, 3 and ≥4), linear (except for CW) and quadratic (except for MYD and CW) effect of lactation length and linear effect of calving weight (except for LL). The random effect, other than the error term, was sire of the cow nested within breed of cow. Holstein Friesian cows yielded 261, 0.8 and 0.7 kg more milk per lactation, per day and per calving interval, respectively, than BS cows. In addition, HF cows were more efficient (p0.05). Cows that calved in the cold season had greater (p<0.05) MYD, MYCI and EMP than cows that calved in the dry and rainy seasons. Lactation length was similar among cold, dry and rainy seasons.
机译:分析了在墨西哥亚热带条件下于1986年至2006年在拉斯玛格丽塔斯研究站出生的354头Holstein Friesian(HF)和Brown Swiss(BS)母牛的记录,以估算每次泌乳的产奶量(MYL,n = 1229),产奶量每天(MYD,n = 1227),每个产犊间隔的产奶量(MYCI,n = 929),泌乳期(LL,n = 1229),产犊体重(CW,n = 1164)和产奶效率(EMP, n = 890)。这些母牛是144头公母和232头水坝的女儿。模型包括牛的品种(2类:HF和BS),产犊年(22类:1989-2010),产犊季节(3类:11月至2月为寒冷,3月至6月为干燥,7月为多雨至10月),哺乳期数(4类:1、2、3和≥4),线性(除CW外)和二次(除MYD和CW外)对哺乳期的影响和产犊体重的线性对策(LL除外) 。除误差项外的随机效应是嵌套在母牛品种中的母牛的父亲。荷斯坦黑白花奶牛每天泌乳,每天和每个产犊间隔的产奶量分别比BS奶牛多261、0.8和0.7公斤。此外,HF母牛更有效(p0.05)。在寒冷季节产犊的母牛比在干燥和雨季产犊的母牛具有更高的(p <0.05)MYD,MYCI和EMP。在寒冷,干燥和雨季,泌乳期相似。



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