首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances >The Prevalence of Porcine Cysticercosis and Risk Factors for Taeniasis in Iringa Rural District

The Prevalence of Porcine Cysticercosis and Risk Factors for Taeniasis in Iringa Rural District




The present study aimed at determining the prevalence of porcine cysticercosis and associated risk factors for taeniosis in Iringa rural. A total of 110 households rearing pigs from sixteen villages were involved in a survey in which 308 pigs were examined for Cysticercus cysts by antemortem and postmortem methods. The risk factors for taeniosis were assessed and evaluated through questionnaires, interviews and by direct observation. Of 308 pigs examined by lingual palpation, 23 (7.5%, p<0.001) had cysticerci; the prevalence rates was higher in male pigs than female 16 (69.5%) and 7 (30.4%), respectively. Likewise the prevalence was higher in villages away from the main roads where there were pigs that customarily ran loose or fed human feaces. The triceps muscle had the highest number of cysts 44 (51.1%) and the diaphragm had the lowest 6 (6.9%). Of 4020 people who sought for treatment in five wards per month, 155 (21.8%) had history of intestinal worms, 6 (2.2%) consumed uninspected pork from peoples house, 82 (74.5%) lack tap water, 13 (12%) had no toilets and 40 (22.7%) practiced free range pig husbandry or tethering method. The findings from this study identified community behavioral, household hygiene and environmental practices that should be modified to prevent continued transmission of cysticercosis and taeniosis in Iringa rural district.
机译:本研究旨在确定伊林加农村地区猪囊尾rc病的患病率和大疱病的相关危险因素。共有来自11个村庄的110头猪养殖户参与了一项调查,其中通过宰前和死后方法检查了308头猪的囊尾s囊肿。通过问卷调查,访谈和直接观察评估和评估了大疱病的危险因素。经舌触诊检查的308头猪中,有23头(7.5%,p <0.001)患有囊尾er。雄性猪的患病率分别高于雌性16只(69.5%)和7只(30.4%)。同样,在远离主要道路的村庄中,患病率较高,那里的猪通常会散乱或喂养人类的粪便。肱三头肌的囊肿数量最高,为44(51.1%),and肌的囊肿数量最低,为6(6.9%)。在每月在五个病房寻求治疗的4020人中,有155人(21.8%)有肠道蠕虫病史,有6人(2.2%)从民居消费未经检查的猪肉,有82人(74.5%)缺乏自来水,13人(12%)没有厕所,有40(22.7%)人采用自由放养的猪场饲养或拴系方法。这项研究的发现确定了社区的行为,家庭卫生和环境习惯,应加以修改,以防止在伊林加农村地区持续发生囊尾rc病和大疱病。



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