首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Agronomy >Effect of Irrigation and Preplant Nitrogen Fertilizer Source on Maize in the Southern Great Plains

Effect of Irrigation and Preplant Nitrogen Fertilizer Source on Maize in the Southern Great Plains




With the demand for maize increasing, production has spread into more water limited, semiarid regions. Couple this with the increasing nitrogen (N) fertilizer costs and environmental concerns and the need for proper management practices has increased. A trial was established to evaluate the effects of different preplant N fertilizer sources on maize cultivated under deficit irrigation or rain-fed conditions on grain yield, N use efficiency (NUE), and water use efficiency (WUE). Two fertilizer sources, ammonium sulfate (AS) and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), applied at two rates, 90 and 180 kg N ha−1, were evaluated across four site-years. Deficit irrigation improved grain yield, WUE, and NUE compared to rain-fed conditions. The preplant application of a pure ammoniacal source of N fertilizer, such as AS, had a tendency to increase grain yields and NUE for rain-fed treatments. Under irrigated conditions, the use of UAN as a preplant N fertilizer source performed just as well or better at improving grain yield compared to AS, as long as the potential N loss mechanisms were minimized. Producers applying N preplant as a single application should adjust rates based on a reasonable yield goal and production practice.
机译:随着玉米需求的增加,生产已经扩展到缺水,半干旱的地区。再加上氮肥成本增加和对环境的关注,以及对正确管理做法的需求也增加了。建立了一个试验,以评估不同的种植前氮肥源对亏缺灌溉或雨水灌溉条件下种植的玉米对谷物产量,氮利用效率(NUE)和水分利用效率(WUE)的影响。在四个站点年中,评估了两种肥料来源:硫酸铵(AS)和尿素硝酸铵(UAN),分别以90和180 kg N ha-1的两种比率施用。与雨养相比,干旱灌溉改善了谷物的产量,WUE和NUE。在种植前施用纯氨源氮肥(例如AS),倾向于增加雨水处理的谷物产量和NUE。在灌溉条件下,只要将潜在的氮素流失机理减至最小,使用UAN作为预种植的氮肥源在提高谷物产量方面与AS一样好或更好。生产者将N种预种植物作为单一施用物使用时,应根据合理的产量目标和生产实践来调整产量。



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