首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of African and Asian Studies >Factors Affecting Levels of Customer Satisfaction in Government Parastatals in Kenya (A Case of Kenya Power)

Factors Affecting Levels of Customer Satisfaction in Government Parastatals in Kenya (A Case of Kenya Power)




The purpose of the study is to investigate the levels of customer satisfaction in Government parastatals with specific focus to the Kenya Power as a case study. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to assess the effects of automation of electricity and its effects on the levels of customer satisfaction in Kenya Power; to analyze the time taken to contract for the supply of electricity on levels of customer satisfaction in Kenya Power; to evaluate the effects of quality of supply of the electricity on the level of customer satisfaction in Kenya Power; to examine effects of accuracy of the monthly electricity bills on the level customer satisfaction in Kenya Power; and to evaluate the effect of outsourcing on the level of customer satisfaction in Kenya Power. The study is descriptive in nature, and to look into the processes of acquiring electric power energy. It was also looking into the interaction between Kenya Power staff their customers and other stakeholders in endeavors to maintain the service. Kenya Power is charged with the responsibility of distributing and retailing cost effective electric power energy in the Republic of Kenya. Where quality of services and customer relations are emphasized. Therefore, the study will involve a background into the problem, review the related literature and, gather data using questionnaires and interviews administered to a stratified sample of Kenya Power employees and customers of Nyeri town region. The study will be envisaged to benefit the Kenya Power through, ascertaining the staff development in career progression and other motivational principles .For instance; Storey, 1995 argued that; Human Resource Management is a distinctive approach to employment which seeks to obtain competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and skilled workforce, using an array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques, which may affect service delivery adversely if staff morale is low. The customers will also derive improved efficient services thus, getting value for their money after Kenya Power implements the recommendations of the study. In addition the Government of Kenya, will broaden its tax base, as improved services will bring efficiency and additional customers at a faster pace which will also, be a boost to achieving the objectives of Vision 2030. The public will also benefit through creation of employment, as rapid brings development through industrialization which uplifts the standards of living. Keywords: Customer satisfaction, Government Parastatals, Kenya Power, Total quality management
机译:这项研究的目的是调查在政府半国营中客户满意度的水平,并以案例研究为重点。该研究以以下具体目标为指导:评估电力自动化及其对肯尼亚电力客户满意度水平的影响;分析肯尼亚电力公司在客户满意水平上签订电力供应合同所花费的时间;评估电力供应质量对肯尼亚电力公司用户满意度的影响;检查每月电费的准确性对肯尼亚电力公司客户满意度水平的影响;并评估肯尼亚电力公司外包对客户满意度水平的影响。该研究本质上是描述性的,并探讨了获取电力能量的过程。它还在研究肯尼亚电力公司员工,其客户与其他利益相关者之间的互动,以努力维持该服务。肯尼亚电力公司负责在肯尼亚共和国分配和零售具有成本效益的电力能源。强调服务质量和客户关系的地方。因此,该研究将涉及问题的背景,回顾相关文献并使用针对肯尼亚电力公司员工和Nyeri镇地区的分层样本进行的问卷调查和访谈收集数据。该研究将被设想通过确定员工在职业发展和其他激励原则方面的发展来使肯尼亚大国受益。斯托里(Storey),1995年指出:人力资源管理是一种独特的就业方式,它通过使用一系列文化,结构和人员技术,通过战略部署高度敬业和熟练的劳动力来寻求竞争优势,如果员工士气低下,这可能会对服务的提供产生不利影响。客户还将获得改进的高效服务,从而在Kenya Power实施研究建议后物有所值。此外,肯尼亚政府将扩大税收基础,因为改善的服务将以更快的速度带来效率和更多客户,这也将促进实现《 2030年愿景》的目标。公众还将通过创造就业机会而受益,通过工业化带来的飞速发展提高了人们的生活水平。关键字:客户满意度,政府半官方机构,肯尼亚权力,全面质量管理



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