首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Advanced Astronomy >Applications of light speed expansion and gravitational self-energy density in black hole cosmology

Applications of light speed expansion and gravitational self-energy density in black hole cosmology




From the beginning of Planck scale to the scale of the current Hubble radius: 1) Considering the relation, subjects of black holes and cosmology, both can be integrated into evolving black hole cosmology and cosmic horizon problem can be relinquished. 2) Considering ‘continuous light speed expansion’ of the cosmic black hole horizon, attributed results of cosmic inflation can be re-addressed completely. If ‘nature’ of the universe is to expand with light speed, then there is no need to think about the existence of currently believed ‘Lambda term’. In addition, ‘light speed expanding cosmic space’ can be called as ‘flat space’. 3) Considering the ratio of gravitational self-energy density and thermal energy density to be (where is the Planck scale temperature, and is cosmic temperature at any time). Quantum gravity can be implemented in low energy scale current cosmological observations. Considering the above concepts, currently believed dark matter energy density and visible matter energy density both can be accurately fitted with the ratio of current gravitational self-energy density and current thermal energy density. To proceed further, the authors would like to highlight the following three points: 1) Deep-space red shift non-linearity can be expected to be connected with cosmological gravitational and relativistic effects and cannot be considered as a major criterion of cosmic evolution. 2) Until one finds solid applications of super luminal speeds and super luminal expansions in other areas of physics like astrophysics and nuclear astrophysics, currently believed ‘cosmic inflation’ cannot be considered as a real physical model and alternative proposals of inflation can be given a chance in exploring the evolving history of the universe. 3) Implementing Planck scale in current paradigm of cosmological observations and standard cosmology is very challenging and is inevitable.
机译:从普朗克尺度的开始到当前哈勃半径的尺度:1)考虑到两者之间的关系,黑洞和宇宙学的主题都可以整合到正在发展的黑洞宇宙学中,并且可以消除宇宙视界问题。 2)考虑到宇宙黑洞视界的“连续光速扩展”,可以完全解决宇宙膨胀引起的结果。如果宇宙的“自然”以光速扩张,那么就不必考虑目前所相信的“ Lambda项”的存在。另外,“光速扩展宇宙空间”可以称为“平坦空间”。 3)考虑重力自能密度与热能密度之比为(其中普朗克标度温度,随时为宇宙温度)。可以在低能级电流宇宙学观测中实现量子引力。考虑到以上概念,目前认为暗物质能量密度和可见物质能量密度都可以精确地与当前重力自能量密度和当前热能密度之比拟合。为了进一步进行研究,作者想强调以下三点:1)预期深空红移非线性与宇宙学引力和相对论效应有关,不能被视为宇宙演化的主要标准。 2)直到人们发现超光速和超光速膨胀在天体物理学和核天体物理学等其他物理学领域得到扎实的应用之前,目前认为“宇宙膨胀”不能被视为真实的物理模型,并且可以提出其他的膨胀提议探索宇宙的进化史。 3)在当前的宇宙学观测和标准宇宙学范式中实施普朗克尺度非常具有挑战性,也是不可避免的。



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