首页> 外文期刊>Interface: Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao >O cuidado de idosos como um campo intersubjetivo: reflex?es éticas

O cuidado de idosos como um campo intersubjetivo: reflex?es éticas




This paper aims to expand the reflection on the care of elder people inspired by the text “Patterns of intersubjectivity in the constitution of subjectivity: dimensions of otherness,” published in 2004 by Nelson Coelho Jr. and Luis Claudio Figueiredo. Through the use of the aforementioned concept in dialogue with the ideas of empathy in Ferenczi, projective identification in Klein and radical alterity in Lévinas, we intend to show how the contributions of psychoanalysis and philosophy allow questioning the notion of care as linked to charity and love that can lead to the subjection of the elderly. In contrast, we propose an understanding of care in which elderly and caregivers are in a multifaceted inter-subjective relationship that implies tensions and possibilities of transformation without losing sight of the ethical background in which both are respected in their idiosyncrasies and differences.
机译:本文旨在扩大对老年人照料的反思,这一灵感源于纳尔逊·科埃略(National Coelho Jr.)和路易斯·克劳迪奥·菲格里多(Luis Claudio Figueiredo)于2004年出版的“主体性构成中的主体间性模式:其他维度”。通过将上述概念与费伦茨的同理心,克莱恩的投射认同以及莱维纳斯的彻底改变相结合,我们打算展示精神分析和哲学的贡献如何质疑与慈善和爱相关的关怀概念可能导致老年人的服从。相反,我们提出了一种对护理的理解,即老年人和护理者处于多主观的主体间关系中,这暗示着紧张关系和转变的可能性,而又没有忽视在两者的特质和差异方面受到尊重的伦理背景。



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