首页> 外文期刊>Interface: Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao >Atendimento à saúde de crian?as e adolescentes em situa??o de violência sexual, em quatro capitais brasileiras

Atendimento à saúde de crian?as e adolescentes em situa??o de violência sexual, em quatro capitais brasileiras




The paper analyzes the health care of children and adolescents in situation of sexual violence (SV) in the municipal public health network of four Brazilian cities - Porto Alegre (RS), Belém (PA), Fortaleza (CE) and Campo Grande (MS) -, focusing on the availability of services and the provision of care, such as hormonal emergency contraception (HEC), prophylaxis for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and legal termination of pregnancy (LTP). The case study method chosen was of semi-structured interviews, with twenty managers and technicians from the central level, representatives of the municipal health secretariats, as well as document analysis. The provision of care is uneven across the cities. Considering the high demand, there is low supply of services in three of them. The specialized care, as HEC and legal termination of pregnancy (LTP) still face resistance of professionals and religious sectors. The article highlights innovations of two Integrated Centers of Attention and a Psychosocial Care Center Post Trauma.



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