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A randomized controlled trial comparing yoga, physical, therapy, and education for chronic low back pain in predominantly low income minorities




Purpose: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) causes substantialmorbidity and cost to society while disproportionately impactinglowincome and minorities. RCTs showyoga is effective forCLBP. However, the comparative effectiveness of yoga to physicaltherapy (PT), a common mainstream CLBP treatment, isunknown.Methods: From June 2012–October 2014 we conducted aone year RCT (n=320) comparing yoga, PT, and education forCLBP in predominantly low-income minority adults recruitedfrom diverse Boston, USA neighborhoods. Inclusion criteriawere adult s 18-64 with non-specific CLBP lasting >12 weeksand self-reported average pain >4 on a 0-10 scale. Participantswere randomized in a 2:2:1 ratio into (1) a standardizedweekly hatha yoga class supplemented with a DVD for homepractice; (2) a standardized PT protocol adapted from theTreatment Based Classification method, individually deliveredby a physical therapist and supplemented by homepractice; and (3) education delivered through a self-care book.Co-primary outcome measures were 12 week pain intensitymeasured on an 11 point numerical rating scale and backspecificfunction measured using the modified Roland MorrisDisability Questionnaire (RMDQ).We usedmultiple regressionand intent-to-treat to test non-inferiority of yoga to PT at 12weeks. Non-inferiority margins for pain were established apriori as -1 and - 1.5 for pain and RMDQ, respectively.Results: Participant mean age was 47 years; 64% werefemale; 77% were non-white; 41% had high school educationor less; and 53% had an annual income≤$20,000. Baseline painintensity and RMDQ were 7.1 (1.4) and 14.8 (5.3), respectively.At 12 weeks, LBP intensity decreased -1.7 compared to -2.3 forPT. RMDQ improved -3.9 and -3.6 for yoga and PT, respectively.Conclusion: For chronic LBP, yogawas non-inferior to physicaltherapy for reduction in pain and improvement in functionat 12 weeks.
机译:目的:慢性下背痛(CLBP)导致大量的发病率和社会成本,同时对低收入人群和少数族裔产生不成比例的影响。 RCT的showyoga对CLBP有效。然而,尚不了解瑜伽与物理疗法(PT)的相对有效性,这是一种常见的主流CLBP治疗方法。方法:从2012年6月至2014年10月,我们进行了为期一年的RCT(n = 320),比较了瑜伽,PT和CLBP的教育程度主要为低从美国波士顿不同社区招募的少数族裔成年人。纳入标准为成年人年龄在18-64岁之间,非特异性CLBP持续时间> 12周,自我报告的平均疼痛> 4,0-10评分。将参与者以2:2:1的比例随机分为(1)个标准化每周哈他瑜伽课,并附有DVD进行家庭练习; (2)改编自基于治疗的分类方法的标准化PT协议,由物理治疗师单独提供并通过家庭实践进行补充; (3)通过一本自理书籍进行教育。共同主要结局指标是使用11点数字评分量表测量12周疼痛强度,并使用改良的Roland MorrisDisability问卷调查(RMDQ)测量背部特异性功能。测试在12周时测试瑜伽对PT的自卑性。结果:参与者的平均年龄为47岁;参加者的平均年龄为47岁;参加者的平均年龄为47岁。 64%为女性; 77%为非白人; 41%的高中或以下学历; 53%的年收入≤20,000美元。基线疼痛强度和RMDQ分别为7.1(1.4)和14.8(5.3)。在12周时,LBP强度从-2.3下降到PT的-2.3。结论:对于慢性腰椎间盘突出症,瑜伽在治疗12周时减轻疼痛和改善功能方面不逊于物理疗法,因此RMDQ对瑜伽和PT分别改善了-3.9和-3.6。



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