首页> 外文期刊>Interdisciplinary Journal of Maritime Studies >Foreshadowing Disaster: A Coming Storm

Foreshadowing Disaster: A Coming Storm




This paper analyzes Herman Melville's poem “The Coming Storm” as it was inspired by Sanford Gifford's dark landscape A Coming Storm. Gifford's landscape was purchased by Edwin Booth before his brother John Wilkes would commit the infamous Lincoln assassination. Melville implies that the ominous, portentous elements of the painting must have struck a chord in Booth's heart, and compelled him to purchase it. In “The Coming Storm,” Melville considers the role that Edwin Booth, America's most famous actor of Shakespeare's Hamlet, played as brother to assassin of Lincoln. Using references specific to scenes in Hamlet, Melville draws a number of parallels that align Gifford's painted landscape with the political landscape of the Civil War, the tragic landscape of the Lincoln assassination, and the psychological landscape of Booth's mind, in order to convey the sense of tragedy of Booth's role as the unfortunate brother to outrageous infamy.
机译:本文分析了赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)的诗《即将来临的风暴》,该诗的灵感来自桑福德·吉福德(Sanford Gifford)的黑暗风景《即将来临的风暴》。吉福德(Gifford)的风景被埃德温·布斯(Edwin Booth)收购,然后他的兄弟约翰·威尔克斯(John Wilkes)进行了臭名昭著的林肯暗杀行动。梅尔维尔(Melville)暗示,这幅画中不祥,凶猛的元素必定触动了布斯的心,并迫使他购买了它。在《来临的风暴》中,梅尔维尔(Melville)考虑了美国最著名的莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》演员埃德温·布斯(Edwin Booth)扮演林肯刺客的兄弟的角色。梅尔维尔使用《哈姆雷特》中特定场景的参考,绘制了许多相似之处,以将吉福德的绘画风景与内战的政治风景,林肯遇刺的悲惨风景以及布思思想的心理风景相结合,以传达感官。布斯扮演不幸的兄弟的不幸悲剧。



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