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FAO-OIE-WHO Joint Technical Consultation on Avian Influenza at the Human-Animal Interface




Please cite this paper as: Writing Committee for the Joint Technical Consultation on Avian Influenza at the Human-Animal Interface. FAO-OIE-WHO Joint Technical Consultation on Avian Influenza at the Human-Animal Interface. 7–9 October, 2008, Verona, Italy. Consultation Summary, May 2010. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. 4 (Suppl. 1): 1–29.For the past 10 years, animal health experts and human health experts have been gaining experience in the technical aspects of avian influenza in mostly separate fora. More recently, in 2006, in a meeting of the small WHO Working Group on Influenza Research at the Human Animal Interface (Meeting report available from: http://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/influenza/WHO_CDS_EPR_GIP_2006_3/en/index.html) in Geneva allowed influenza experts from the animal and public health sectors to discuss together the most recent avian influenza research. Ad hoc bilateral discussions on specific technical issues as well as formal meetings such as the Technical Meeting on HPAI and Human H5N1 Infection (Rome, June, 2007; information available from: http://www.fao.org/avianflu/en/conferences/june2007/index.html) have increasingly brought the sectors together and broadened the understanding of the topics of concern to each sector. The sectors have also recently come together at the broad global level, and have developed a joint strategy document for working together on zoonotic diseases (Joint strategy available from: ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/011/ajl37e/ajl37e00.pdf). The 2008 FAO-OIE-WHO Joint Technical Consultation on Avian Influenza at the Human Animal Interface described here was the first opportunity for a large group of influenza experts from the animal and public health sectors to gather and discuss purely technical topics of joint interest that exist at the human-animal interface.During the consultation, three influenza-specific sessions aimed to (1) identify virological characteristics of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) important for zoonotic and pandemic disease, (2) evaluate the factors affecting evolution and emergence of a pandemic influenza strain and identify existing monitoring systems, and (3) identify modes of transmission and exposure sources for human zoonotic influenza infection (including discussion of specific exposure risks by affected countries). A final session was held to discuss broadening the use of tools and systems to other emerging zoonotic diseases. The meeting was structured as short technical presentations with substantial time available for facilitated discussion, to take advantage of the vast influenza knowledge and experience available from the invited expert participants. Particularly important was the identification of gaps in knowledge that have not yet been filled by either sector. Technical discussions focused on H5N1, but included other potentially zoonotic avian and animal influenza viruses whenever possible.During the consultation, the significant threat posed by subtypes other than H5N1 was continually emphasized in a variety of contexts. It was stressed that epidemiological and virological surveillance for these other viruses should be broadening and strengthened. The important role of live bird markets (LBMs) in amplifying and sustaining AIVs in some countries was also a recurring topic, and the need for better understanding of the role of LBMs in human zoonotic exposure and infection was noted. Much is understood about the contribution of various virus mutations and gene combinations to transmissibility, infectivity, and pathogenicity, although it was agreed that the specific constellation of gene types and mutations that would characterize a potentially pandemic virus remains unclear.The question of why only certain humans have become infected with H5N1 in the face of massive exposure in some communities was frequently raised during discussion of human exposure risks. It was suggested that individual-level factors may play a role. More research is needed to address this as well as questions of mode of transmission, behaviors associated with increased risk, virological and ecological aspects, and viral persistence in the environment in order to better elucidate specific human exposure risks.It became clear that great strides have been made in recent years in collaboration between the animal health and public health sectors, especially at the global level. In some countries outbreaks of H5N1 are being investigated jointly. Even greater transparency, cooperation, and information and materials exchange would allow more timely and effective responses in emergency situations, as well as in assessment and planning phases.Ensuring sustainability was also frequently emphasized, e.g. in infrastructure and capacity development and in development of tools and systems for surveillance, assessment and response. It was suggested that one way for tools and systems built or planned to address avian influenza to become more sustainable woul
机译:请将此文件引用为:人与动物界禽流感联合技术磋商会写作委员会。粮农组织-世界动物卫生组织-世界卫生组织在人畜界面开展禽流感联合技术磋商会。 2008年10月7日至9日,意大利维罗纳。咨询摘要,2010年5月。流感和其他呼吸道病毒。 4(增刊1):1-29。在过去的10年中,动物卫生专家和人类健康专家已在大多数单独的论坛中获得了禽流感技术方面的经验。最近,在2006年,世卫组织流感研究小工作组在人畜界面上召开会议(会议报告可从以下网站获得:http://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/influenza/WHO_CDS_EPR_GIP_2006_3/en /index.html)允许来自动物和公共卫生部门的流感专家共同讨论最新的禽流感研究。关于特定技术问题的双边双边讨论以及诸如HPAI和人类H5N1感染技术会议的正式会议(2007年6月,罗马;信息可从以下网站获得:http://www.fao.org/avianflu/zh/conferences /june2007/index.html)越来越多地将各部门召集在一起,并拓宽了各部门关注的主题的理解。这些部门最近在全球范围内也走到了一起,并已制定了一项共同战略文件,以就人畜共患病开展合作(联合战略可从以下网址获得:ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/011/ajl37e/ ajl37e00.pdf)。这里所述的2008年FAO-OIE-WHO禽流感在人类动物交界处联合技术磋商会是来自动物和公共卫生部门的一大批流感专家聚集和讨论存在共同利益的纯技术性话题的第一个机会磋商期间,针对流感的三场专门会议旨在(1)识别对人畜共患病和大流行性疾病至关重要的禽流感病毒(AIV)的病毒学特征,(2)评估影响甲虫进化和出现的因素大流行性流感毒株并确定现有的监测系统,以及(3)确定人类人畜共患流感感染的传播方式和接触源(包括受影响国家对特定接触风险的讨论)。举行了最后一届会议,讨论将工具和系统的使用范围扩大到其他新出现的人畜共患疾病。本次会议以简短的技术演讲形式进行,并有大量时间可用于进行便利的讨论,以利用受邀专家提供的大量流感知识和经验。尤为重要的是查明任何一个部门尚未填补的知识空白。技术讨论的重点是H5N1,但在可能的情况下还包括其他可能的人畜共患禽和动物流感病毒。在磋商期间,在各种情况下,人们一直在强调H5N1以外的亚型构成的重大威胁。强调应扩大和加强对其他病毒的流行病学和病毒学监测。在一些国家中,活禽市场(LBM)在扩大和维持AIV中的重要作用也是一个反复出现的话题,并指出需要更好地了解LBM在人类人畜共患病暴露和感染中的作用。尽管人们普遍认为,各种病毒突变和基因组合对可传播性,传染性和致病性的贡献是众所周知的,但尚不清楚可表征潜在大流行性病毒的特定基因类型和突变群。在讨论人类接触风险的过程中,经常有人提出有人在大量社区中暴露了H5N1病毒。有人建议,个人因素可能起作用。为了更好地阐明特定的人类暴露风险,需要更多的研究来解决这个问题以及传播方式,与增加的风险相关的行为,病毒学和生态学问题以及环境中的病毒持久性等问题。近年来,特别是在全球一级,动物卫生和公共卫生部门之间的合作做出了这一决定。在一些国家,正在联合调查H5N1暴发。更高的透明度,合作以及信息和材料交流将使在紧急情况下以及评估和规划阶段能更加及时有效地做出反应。基础设施和能力发展以及监视,评估和响应工具和系统的开发。有人建议建立或计划用来解决禽流感的工具和系统变得更加可持续的一种方式



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