首页> 外文期刊>American Chemical Science Journal >Heavy Metals Presence in Some Vegetables and Crops Harvested From Farms in Ebocha, Egbeda and Igbo-Etche in Rivers State, Nigeria

Heavy Metals Presence in Some Vegetables and Crops Harvested From Farms in Ebocha, Egbeda and Igbo-Etche in Rivers State, Nigeria




Studies of the presence of heavy metals were carried out on some vegetables and crops harvested from farms in Ebocha, Egbeda and Igbo-Etche in Rivers State, Nigeria. These farms are located in communities where oil exploration activities are ongoing. The samples were prepared by wet digestion using a mixture of Perchloric acid (HClO4): Nitric acid (HNO3) in the ratio 1:4 and analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The heavy metals concentration in almost all the vegetables and crops studied were high compared to the maximum permissible limits prescribed by World Health Organisation (WHO), Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) and European Union (EU) except Zn. The concentrations of these metals in the vegetables and crops studied are Co (0.10 – 3.88 mgkg-1), Pb (3.34 – 11.27 mgkg-1), Zn (4.21 – 94.34 mgkg-1), Cd (0.03 – 6.97 mgkg-1), Ni (0.10 – 5.70 mgkg-1), Mn (1.65 – 109.86 mgkg-1), Cu (2.15 – 16.11 mgkg-1) and Fe (22.20 – 334.97 mgkg-1). Concentrations of Co are within acceptable limits except in bitter leaf, scent leaf and water leaf from Ebocha (Site 1) farm which were 2.44 mgkg-1, 2.27 mgkg-1 and 3.78 mgkg-1 respectively. Waterleaf from Igbo-Etche farm recorded a concentration of 3.88 mgkg-1. From the results obtained in this study, the tuberous crop (cassava) has higher concentrations of the metals in comparison to the plantain. The order of the levels of heavy metal concentration in the vegetables and crops is presented in the decreasing order of Scent Leaf > Water Leaf > Fluted Pumpkin >Bitter Leaf > Cassava > Plantain. From the four farms, the levels of concentration is Igbo-Etche>Ebocha 1 = Ebocha 2 > Egbeda. Analysis of variance [ANOVA] confirmed significant differences (P<0.05) among the heavy metals present in the vegetables and the crops from these four farms.
机译:研究了从尼日利亚河州埃博查(Egbeda)和伊博埃切(Egbo-Etche)农场收获的一些蔬菜和农作物中重金属的存在。这些农场位于进行石油勘探活动的社区中。通过使用高氯酸(HClO4):硝酸(HNO3)比例为1:4的混合物进行湿消化来制备样品,并使用原子吸收光谱法(AAS)进行分析。与世界卫生组织(WHO),粮食农业组织(FAO)和欧盟(EU)规定的最大允许限量相比,几乎所有所研究的蔬菜和农作物中的重金属含量都很高,但锌除外。研究的蔬菜和农作物中这些金属的浓度分别为Co(0.10 – 3.88 mgkg-1),Pb(3.34 – 11.27 mgkg-1),Zn(4.21 – 94.34 mgkg-1),Cd(0.03 – 6.97 mgkg-1)。 ),镍(0.10 – 5.70 mgkg-1),锰(1.65 – 109.86 mgkg-1),铜(2.15 – 16.11 mgkg-1)和铁(22.20 – 334.97 mgkg-1)。 Co的浓度在可接受的范围内,除了Ebocha(站点1)农场的苦味叶,香叶和水叶中的Co浓度分别为2.44 mgkg-1、2.27 mgkg-1和3.78 mgkg-1。 Igbo-Etche农场的水叶记录浓度为3.88 mgkg-1。从这项研究中获得的结果来看,与车前草相比,块茎作物(木薯)的金属含量更高。蔬菜和农作物中重金属含量的高低顺序为:香叶>水叶>南瓜>苦叶>木薯>车前草。在这四个农场中,浓度水平依次为Igbo-Etche> Ebocha 1 = Ebocha 2> Egbeda。方差分析[ANOVA]证实了这四个农场的蔬菜和农作物中存在的重金属之间存在显着差异(P <0.05)。



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