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Image Manipulation Specifications on Social Networking Services for Encryption-then-Compression Systems




Encryption-then-Compression (EtC) systems have been proposed to securely transmit images through an untrusted channel provider. In this study, EtC systems were applied to social media like Twitter that carry out image manipulations. The block scrambling-based encryption schemes used in EtC systems were evaluated in terms of their robustness against image manipulation on social media. The aim was to investigate how five social networking service (SNS) providers, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr and Flickr, manipulate images and to determine whether the encrypted images uploaded to SNS providers can avoid being distorted by such manipulations. In an experiment, encrypted and non-encrypted JPEG images were uploaded to various SNS providers. The results show that EtC systems are applicable to the five SNS providers.
机译:已经提出了加密然后压缩(EtC)系统,以通过不可信的通道提供者安全地传输图像。在这项研究中,EtC系统被应用于进行图像处理的Twitter等社交媒体。对EtC系统中使用的基于块加扰的加密方案,评估了其针对社交媒体上图像处理的鲁棒性。目的是调查五个社交网络服务(SNS)提供者(Facebook,Twitter,Google +,Tumblr和Flickr)如何处理图像,并确定上载到SNS提供者的加密图像是否可以避免由于此类操作而失真。在实验中,已加密和未加密的JPEG图像被上载到各种SNS提供程序。结果表明,EtC系统适用于这五个SNS提供商。



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