首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine >Workplace tobacco cessation program in India: A success story

Workplace tobacco cessation program in India: A success story




Context:This paper describes the follow-up interventions and results of the work place tobacco cessation study.Aims:To assess the tobacco quit rates among employees, through self report history, and validate it with rapid urine cotinine test; compare post-intervention KAP regarding tobacco consumption with the pre-intervention responses and assess the tobacco consumption pattern among contract employees and provide assistance to encourage quitting.Settings and Design:This is a cohort study implemented in a chemical industry in rural Maharashtra, India.Materials and Methods:All employees (104) were interviewed and screened for oral neoplasia. Active intervention in the form of awareness lectures, focus group discussions and if needed, pharmacotherapy was offered. Medical staff from the industrial medical unit and from a local referral hospital was trained. Awareness programs were arranged for the family members and contract employees.Statistical Analysis Used:Non-parametric statistical techniques and kappa.Results:Forty eight per cent employees consumed tobacco. The tobacco quit rates increased with each follow-up intervention session and reached 40% at the end of one year. There was 96% agreement between self report tobacco history and results of rapid urine cotinine test. The post-intervention KAP showed considerable improvement over the pre-intervention KAP. 56% of contract employees used tobacco and 55% among them had oral pre-cancerous lesions.Conclusions:A positive atmosphere towards tobacco quitting and positive peer pressure assisting each other in tobacco cessation was remarkably noted on the entire industrial campus. A comprehensive model workplace tobacco cessation program has been established, which can be replicated elsewhere.
机译:背景:本文描述了工作场所戒烟研究的后续干预措施和结果。目的:通过自我报告历史评估员工的戒烟率,并通过快速尿液可替宁测试进行验证;将干预后关于烟草消费的KAP与干预前的反应进行比较,评估合同雇员中的烟草消费模式,并提供鼓励戒烟的帮助。设置与设计:这是一项在印度马哈拉施特拉邦农村的化工业中进行的队列研究。材料和方法:对所有员工(104)进行了访谈并进行了口腔肿瘤的筛查。以意识讲座,焦点小组讨论的形式进行积极干预,并在必要时提供药物治疗。来自工业医疗部门和当地转诊医院的医务人员接受了培训。为家庭成员和合同雇员安排了意识计划。统计分析使用:非参数统计技术和kappa。结果:48%的雇员食用了烟草。每次随访干预后,戒烟率均增加,并在一年末达到40%。自我报告的烟草病史和快速尿液可替宁测试结果之间有96%的一致性。干预后的KAP显示出比干预前的KAP显着改善。 56%的合同员工使用过烟草,其中55%的人患有口腔癌前病变。结论:整个工业园区内都显出了积极的戒烟氛围和同伴互相协助的积极戒烟习惯。已经建立了一个全面的示范性工作场所戒烟计划,该计划可以在其他地方推广。



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