首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Industrial and Business Management >Regulatory Framework of Mineral Resources Sector in Pakistan and Investment Proposal to Chinese Companies in Pakistan

Regulatory Framework of Mineral Resources Sector in Pakistan and Investment Proposal to Chinese Companies in Pakistan




This paper presents a scenario for mineral resources and development in this sector in Pakistan. Moreover it mainly comprises of the policies regarding the location of minerals, their extraction, and at the end there are some important suggestions for the Chinese companies as far as the investment point of view is concerned. Regardless of Pakistan’s two successive mineral policies and abundant mineral resources, this sector’s contribution to overall GDP of country is not sufficient. The reasons may be; inadequate monitoring and evaluation, lack of community base resources management programs, insufficient tax compliance, political instability, weather related problems, insecurity within mineral rich areas and lack of foreign investment in the country. However, there is still room for improved technical and economic analysis of the sector as well as tremendous opportunities for Joint Venture Agreement with other emerging economies and international private partners. China has its own importance and reorganization in the world due to its economic growth and production. Pakistan and China both countries have very good relation from the beginning. Both countries help each other, if there is any need of help. There is still time to realize the national development benefits from the sector. ?
机译:本文介绍了巴基斯坦该部门矿产资源和开发的情景。此外,它主要包括有关矿产位置,开采的政策,最后,就投资角度而言,对中国公司有一些重要建议。不管巴基斯坦有两个连续的矿产政策,还是拥有丰富的矿产资源,该部门对国家总体GDP的贡献都不够。原因可能是;监测和评估不足,缺乏社区基础资源管理计划,税收合规性不足,政治不稳定,与天气有关的问题,矿产资源丰富的地区内的不安全状况以及该国缺乏外国投资。但是,仍然有改进该行业的技术和经济分析的空间,以及与其他新兴经济体和国际私人伙伴达成合资协议的巨大机会。由于中国的经济增长和生产,中国在世界上具有自己的重要性和重组。巴中两国从一开始就有着很好的关系。如果有需要,两国将互相帮助。仍有时间实现该部门对国家发展的好处。 ?



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