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Use of health systems and policy research evidence in the health policymaking in eastern Mediterranean countries: views and practices of researchers




Background Limited research exists on researchers' knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE) in the eastern Mediterranean region (EMR). This multi-country study explores researchers' views and experiences regarding the role of health systems and policy research evidence in health policymaking in the EMR, including the factors that influence health policymaking, barriers and facilitators to the use of evidence, and the factors that increase researchers' engagement in KTE. Methods Researchers who published health systems and policy relevant research in 12 countries in the EMR (Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen) were surveyed. Descriptive analysis and Linear Mixed Regression Models were performed for quantitative sections and the simple thematic analysis approach was used for open-ended questions. Results A total of 238 researchers were asked to complete the survey (response rate 56%). Researchers indicated transferring results to other researchers (67.2%) and policymakers in the government (40.5%). Less than one-quarter stated that they produced policy briefs (14.5%), disseminated messages that specified possible actions (24.4%), interacted with policymakers and stakeholders in priority-setting (16%), and involved them in their research (19.8%). Insufficient policy dialogue opportunities and collaboration between researchers and policymakers and stakeholders (67.9%), practical constraints to implementation (66%), non-receptive policy environment (61.3%), and politically sensitive findings (57.7%) hindered the use of evidence. Factors that increase researchers' engagement in KTE activities in the region were associated with involving policymakers and stakeholders at various stages such as priority-setting exercises and provision of technical assistance. Conclusions Researchers in the EMR recognize the importance of using health systems evidence in health policymaking. Potential strategies to improve the use of research evidence emphasize two-way communication between researchers and policymakers. Findings are critical for the upcoming World Health Report 2012, which will emphasize the significance of conducting and translating health research to inform health policies.
机译:背景技术在地中海东部地区(EMR)的研究人员的知识转移和交流(KTE)方面存在有限的研究。这项多国研究探讨了研究人员对EMR中卫生系统和政策研究证据在卫生政策制定中的作用的观点和经验,包括影响卫生政策制定的因素,使用证据的障碍和促进者以及增加的因素研究人员参与KTE。方法对在EMR的12个国家(巴林,埃及,伊朗,约旦,黎巴嫩,利比亚,摩洛哥,阿曼,巴勒斯坦,苏丹,叙利亚和也门)发布卫生系统和政策相关研究的研究人员进行了调查。对定量部分进行了描述性分析和线性混合回归模型,对开放式问题使用了简单的主题分析方法。结果共邀请238名研究人员完成调查(答复率为56%)。研究人员表示将结果转移给其他研究人员(67.2%)和政府决策者(40.5%)。不到四分之一的受访者表示他们制定了政策摘要(14.5%),传播了说明可能采取的行动的消息(24.4%),在制定优先级时与决策者和利益相关者进行了互动(16%),并使他们参与了研究(19.8%) )。研究者与决策者和利益相关者之间的政策对话机会和协作不足(67.9%),实施的实际限制(66%),不接受政策的环境(61.3%)以及政治敏感的发现(57.7%)阻碍了证据的使用。促使研究人员参与该地区KTE活动的因素与决策者和利益相关者在不同阶段(例如确定优先次序的活动和提供技术援助)的参与有关。结论EMR研究人员认识到在卫生政策制定中使用卫生系统证据的重要性。改善研究证据使用的潜在策略强调研究人员与政策制定者之间的双向交流。研究结果对于即将发布的《 2012年世界卫生报告》至关重要,它将强调开展和翻译卫生研究以为卫生政策提供信息的重要性。



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