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The Mona Lisa Illusion—Scientists See Her Looking at Them Though She Isn’t




If the person depicted in an image gazes at the camera or painter, a viewer perceives this as being gazed at. The viewers’ perception holds irrespectively of their position relative to image. This is the Mona Lisa effect named after the subject of Leonardo’s famous painting La Gioconda . The effect occurs reliably but was not tested with Mona Lisa herself. Remarkably, viewers judged Mona Lisa’s gaze as directed to their right-hand side irrespectively of the image zoom, its horizontal position on screen, and the distance of the ruler that was used for measuring the gaze direction.
机译:如果图像中描绘的人凝视相机或画家,则观看者会认为它是凝视的。观看者的感知与他们相对于图像的位置无关。这是蒙娜丽莎(Mona Lisa)效果,以莱昂纳多(Leonardo)著名绘画《 La Gioconda》的主题命名。该效果可靠发生,但未经Mona Lisa自己测试。值得注意的是,无论图像缩放,屏幕上的水平位置以及用于测量视线方向的标尺的距离如何,观看者都认为Mona Lisa的视线指向右侧。



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