首页> 外文期刊>Avian Conservation and Ecology >Habitat Relationships of Three Grassland Breeding Bird Species: Broadscale Comparisons and Hayfield Management Implications

Habitat Relationships of Three Grassland Breeding Bird Species: Broadscale Comparisons and Hayfield Management Implications




Generalized recommendations for the conservation of birds in agro-ecosystems have been elusive because studies are often of a local nature, and do not compare source data against those from other regions. In this study, we developed geographically broad habitat relationship models to provide conservation prescriptions for three species that breed in farmed grasslands: Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis), and Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow (Ammodramus nelsoni subvirgatus). We develop models from our study in Nova Scotia, Canada and confront them with independent data from Wisconsin, USA pastures and Iowa, USA restored prairies. Vegetation that was higher and denser in the prebreeding season was linked to increased occupancy rates and abundance of Bobolinks in each study region. Providing tall spring grass is easily accomplished by not cutting late in the previous year. Savannah Sparrows were instead associated with shorter and sparser spring grass, which highlights the need to simultaneously provide heterogeneous habitat for otherwise ecologically similar species. Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrows were more likely to occur, and be numerous, in areas with greater availability of drainage ditches. They and several other species would benefit from provision of ditches with adequate vegetation to promote occupancy. By combining these with other well-established recommendations, such as a delayed first harvest, a greater net conservation benefit can be realized from these working landscapes.
机译:关于农业生态系统中鸟类保护的一般性建议难以捉摸,因为研究通常是本地性的,并且没有将源数据与其他地区的数据进行比较。在这项研究中,我们开发了地理分布广泛的栖息地关系模型,为三种在农田草地上繁殖的物种提供保护处方:Bobolink(Dolichonyx oryzivorus),Savannah Sparrow(Passerculus sandwichensis)和Nelson的尖尾麻雀(Ammodramus nelsoni subvirgatus)。我们从加拿大新斯科舍省的研究中开发模型,并将它们与来自美国威斯康星州牧场和美国爱荷华州恢复的大草原的独立数据进行比较。在每个繁殖区域,早繁殖季节的植被较高且密度较高,这与占用率和Bobolinks的丰富度有关。提供高大的春季草很容易,因为无需在上一年末进行砍伐。相反,大草原麻雀与较短而稀疏的春天草相关联,这凸显了同时为生态相似的物种提供异质生境的必要性。尼尔森的尖尾麻雀在排水沟可用性更高的地区更容易发生,并且数量众多。他们和其他几个物种将从提供充足植被的沟渠中受益,以促进居住。通过将这些建议与其他公认的建议(例如推迟第一批收获)相结合,可以从这些工作环境中获得更大的净保护效益。



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