首页> 外文期刊>Avian Conservation and Ecology >Influence of vegetation on the nocturnal foraging behaviors and vertebrate prey capture by endangered Burrowing Owls

Influence of vegetation on the nocturnal foraging behaviors and vertebrate prey capture by endangered Burrowing Owls




Restrictions in technology have limited past habitat selection studies for many species to the home-range level, as a finer-scale understanding was often not possible. Consequently, these studies may not identify the true mechanism driving habitat selection patterns, which may influence how such results are applied in conservation. We used GPS dataloggers with digital video recorders to identify foraging modes and locations in which endangered Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) captured prey. We measured the coarse and fine-scale characteristics of vegetation at locations in which owls searched for, versus where they caught, vertebrate prey. Most prey items were caught using hover-hunting. Burrowing Owls searched for, and caught, vertebrate prey in all cover types, but were more likely to kill prey in areas with sparse and less dense vegetative cover. Management strategies designed to increase Burrowing Owl foraging success in the Canadian prairies should try to ensure a mosaic of vegetation heights across cover types.
机译:技术的限制将过去对许多物种的栖息地选择研究限制在家庭范围内,因为通常无法获得更精细的了解。因此,这些研究可能无法确定驱动栖息地选择模式的真正机制,而这可能会影响这种结果在保护中的应用方式。我们将GPS数据记录器与数字视频记录器配合使用,以识别觅食模式和濒临灭绝的穴居猫头鹰(Athene cunicularia)捕获猎物的位置。我们测量了猫头鹰在寻找和捕捞脊椎动物猎物的位置上植被的粗略和精细尺度特征。大部分猎物都是使用悬停狩猎来捕获的。挖洞的猫头鹰搜寻并捕获了所有覆盖类型的脊椎动物猎物,但在稀疏且植被密度较小的地区更容易杀死猎物。旨在增加“挖洞猫头鹰”在加拿大大草原上觅食成功的管理策略,应设法确保不同覆盖类型之间的植被高度拼接。



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