首页> 外文期刊>Avian Conservation and Ecology >Canadian Estimate of Bird Mortality Due to Collisions and Direct Habitat Loss Associated with Wind Turbine Developments

Canadian Estimate of Bird Mortality Due to Collisions and Direct Habitat Loss Associated with Wind Turbine Developments




We estimated impacts on birds from the development and operation of wind turbines in Canada considering both mortality due to collisions and loss of nesting habitat. We estimated collision mortality using data from carcass searches for 43 wind farms, incorporating correction factors for scavenger removal, searcher efficiency, and carcasses that fell beyond the area searched. On average, 8.2 ± 1.4 birds (95% C.I.) were killed per turbine per year at these sites, although the numbers at individual wind farms varied from 0 - 26.9 birds per turbine per year. Based on 2955 installed turbines (the number installed in Canada by December 2011), an estimated 23,300 birds (95% C.I. 20,000 - 28,300) would be killed from collisions with turbines each year. We estimated direct habitat loss based on data from 32 wind farms in Canada. On average, total habitat loss per turbine was 1.23 ha, which corresponds to an estimated total habitat loss due to wind farms nationwide of 3635 ha. Based on published estimates of nest density, this could represent habitat for ~5700 nests of all species. Assuming nearby habitats are saturated, and 2 adults displaced per nest site, effects of direct habitat loss are less than that of direct mortality. Installed wind capacity is growing rapidly, and is predicted to increase more than 10-fold over the next 10-15 years, which could lead to direct mortality of approximately 233,000 birds / year, and displacement of 57,000 pairs. Despite concerns about the impacts of biased correction factors on the accuracy of mortality estimates, these values are likely much lower than those from collisions with some other anthropogenic sources such as windows, vehicles, or towers, or habitat loss due to many other forms of development. Species composition data suggest that < 0.2% of the population of any species is currently affected by mortality or displacement from wind turbine development. Therefore, population level impacts are unlikely, provided that highly sensitive or rare habitats, as well as concentration areas for species at risk, are avoided.
机译:考虑到碰撞造成的死亡和筑巢栖息地的丧失,我们估计了加拿大风力涡轮机的开发和运行对鸟类的影响。我们使用来自43个风电场的car体搜索数据,并结合了清除剂去除,搜索者效率和落在搜索区域之外的car体的校正因子,估计了碰撞死亡率。在这些地点,每台风机每年平均杀死8.2±1.4只禽(95%C.I.),尽管个别风电场的数量每年每台风机为0-26.9只。根据安装的2955台涡轮机(到2011年12月在加拿大安装的数量),每年估计有23,300羽鸡(95%的C.I. 20,000-28,300)被撞死。我们根据加拿大32个风电场的数据估算了直接栖息地的损失。平均而言,每台涡轮机的总栖息地损失为1.23公顷,相当于全国风电场造成的估计总栖息地损失为3635公顷。根据已发表的巢密度估计,这可能代表所有物种约5700个巢的栖息地。假设附近的栖息地已饱和,每个巢点有2个成年流离失所者,那么直接栖息地丧失的影响要小于直接死亡的影响。风能装机容量正在迅速增长,预计在接下来的10-15年中将增加10倍以上,这可能导致每年约233,000羽鸟类的直接死亡和57,000对的移位。尽管担心有偏倚的校正因子会影响死亡率估计的准确性,但这些值可能远低于与其他一些人为源(如窗户,车辆或塔楼)碰撞或由于其他许多形式的开发而造成的栖息地损失而产生的值。 。物种组成数据表明,目前任何物种中不到0.2%的人口受到风力涡轮机发展带来的死亡率或位移的影响。因此,只要避免高度敏感或稀有的栖息地以及处于危险中的物种的聚集区,就不会对人口造成影响。



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