首页> 外文期刊>IDS Bulletin >Men and Women of Words: How Words Divide and Connect the Bunge La Mwananchi Movement in Kenya

Men and Women of Words: How Words Divide and Connect the Bunge La Mwananchi Movement in Kenya

机译:单词的男人和女人:单词如何分隔和连接肯尼亚的Bun La Mwananchi运动



How does a movement for social justice, whose members are mainly drawn from the lower economic strata of society, build and sustain its power in the face of co-option, and social and geographical division? Members of the Bunge La Mwananchi movement in Kenya explored this question using action research. The movement carves spaces for debate and activism in the urban public sphere accessible to the unrepresented masses. The authorities leave these spaces mostly unmolested, in part because co-option by politicians and civil society organisations is as effective at wrong-footing the movement as mass arrests and riot police would be. The research reminded the members that the movement's power has always lain in its efforts to reach across internal divisions of ethnicity, gender, class and geography. As the research connected the debaters in one site with those in another, it demonstrated how communicative enquiry works to create solidarity within this most grass-roots of movements.
机译:社会正义运动的成员主要来自社会的较低经济阶层,如何面对共同选择以及社会和地域划分来建立和维持其权力?肯尼亚的Bunge La Mwananchi运动成员通过行动研究探讨了这个问题。该运动为无人代表的群众进入城市公共领域的辩论和激进活动创造了空间。当局对这些场所几乎没有打扰,部分原因是政治家和民间社会组织的共同选择对大规模运动产生了与大规模逮捕和防暴警察一样有效的作用。该研究提醒会员们,该运动的力量始终在于努力跨越种族,性别,阶级和地理区域。当这项研究将一个地点的辩论者与另一个地点的辩论者联系起来时,它表明了交际探究如何在这种最基层的运动中建立团结。



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