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Declining rate of autopsies: implications for anatomic pathology residents




All physicians and pathologists are well aware of the fact that the autopsy rate has been declining for the last few decades. An autopsy was performed on 40% to 60% of all hospital deaths in the United States before 1970. 1 , 2 Now this rate has gone below 5%. 1 , 2 Our educational institution had a 20-fold decrease in the number of autopsies performed in 2016 as compared to 1970s. This trend is not limited to the United States but is worldwide. Autopsy rates in the United Kingdom decreased from 25.8% in 1979 to just 0.69% of all hospital deaths in 2013. 3 The reasons for this decline are manifold but advanced diagnostic modalities are a major contributor. The reasons for decline in autopsy rates, the benefits of autopsy and future of autopsy have been discussed in literature. 1 - 8 Regarding future of autopsy, Laposata 6 has proposed a new kind of autopsy; the Diagnostic and Management Autopsy (DMA). The DMA is a review of the diagnostic decisions related to the apparent cause of death by a panel of specialists. Autopsy is a major branch of anatomic pathology and is a broad topic to discuss. Declining autopsy rates have implications for pathology residents as well. As a part of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited anatomic pathology residency training in the United States, pathology residents are mandated to do 50 autopsies. With the decline in autopsies this number is becoming harder to achieve. To overcome this problem, ACGME allows two residents to share an autopsy. Even this shared autopsy policy may not be sufficient to achieve the desired number of 50 autopsies in the near future, and ACGME may have to reconsider this requirement for the pathology residents to be eligible for the American board of pathology (ABP) examination. It is not just about the ACGME requirements, what matters, even more, is the learning experience of the residents. Autopsies are considered a valuable tool in learning normal histology. The decline in autopsies is depriving the anatomic pathology residents of this invaluable tool for learning normal histology and usual anatomical and histological variations. Moreover, sometimes autopsies also provide means of microscopic examination of benign pathologic conditions that otherwise rarely come as a surgical pathology specimen. Autopsies have educational value not only for pathology residents but also for other specialties and medical students. Aiello 8 emphasized the importance of autopsy in cardiology with respect to elucidating the precise cause of death; as an educational resource; and for research purposes. On the other hand, with ever increasing work load in surgical pathology this decline is a blessing in disguise, as the residents can invest more time in working up their surgical pathology cases. Despite the continuous decline in autopsy rates it is hard to imagine that autopsies will become completely extinct. From anatomic pathology residents’ perspective, however, pathology residency programs need to look into additional resources for a better learning of normal histology as well as benign pathology and ACGME may have to reconsider the requirement of 50 autopsies.
机译:所有医师和病理学家都清楚地知道,在过去的几十年中,尸检率一直在下降。 1970年之前,对美国40%至60%的医院死亡进行了尸检。1、2现在,这一比率已降至5%以下。 1,2与1970年代相比,我们的教育机构在2016年进行的尸检数量减少了20倍。这种趋势不仅限于美国,而且遍及全球。英国的尸检率从1979年的25.8%下降到2013年所有医院死亡的0.69%。3下降的原因是多方面的,但先进的诊断方式是主要的原因。文献中已经讨论了尸检率下降的原因,尸检的益处以及尸检的未来。 1-8关于尸体解剖的未来,Laposata 6提出了一种新的尸体解剖方法。诊断和管理尸检(DMA)。 DMA是由专家小组对与明显的死亡原因相关的诊断决策进行的审查。尸检是解剖病理学的一个主要分支,是一个广泛讨论的话题。尸检率下降也对病理学居民产生影响。作为美国研究生医学教育认证委员会(ACGME)认可的解剖病理学住院医师培训的一部分,病理学居民被要求进行50次尸检。随着尸检数量的下降,这个数字越来越难以实现。为了克服这个问题,ACGME允许两名居民共同进行尸检。即使是这种共享的尸体解剖政策也可能不足以在不久的将来达到所需的50个尸体解剖数目,ACGME可能还必须重新考虑这一要求,以使病理学住院医师有资格参加美国病理学委员会(ABP)的检查。不仅仅是ACGME的要求,更重要的是居民的学习经验。尸检被认为是学习正常组织学的宝贵工具。尸检的下降使解剖病理学居民失去了学习正常组织学以及常规解剖学和组织学变异的宝贵工具。而且,有时尸检还提供了对良性病理状况进行显微镜检查的手段,否则这种良性病理状况很少作为手术病理标本出现。尸检不仅对病理学家具有教育价值,对于其他专业和医学生也具有教育价值。 Aiello 8强调了心脏病学尸检对于阐明确切死亡原因的重要性;作为教育资源;并用于研究目的。另一方面,随着外科病理工作量的不断增加,这种下降是一种变相的祝福,因为居民可以花更多的时间来处理他们的外科病理病例。尽管尸检率不断下降,但很难想象尸检会完全灭绝。但是,从解剖病理学住院医师的角度来看,病理学住院医师计划需要寻找更多资源,以便更好地学习正常组织学以及良性病理学,ACGME可能不得不重新考虑50例尸检的要求。



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