首页> 外文期刊>Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia >Resposta cl???-nica e metab???3lica de potros neonatos em rela???§???£o aos achados histopatol???3gicos da placenta na ????gua

Resposta cl???-nica e metab???3lica de potros neonatos em rela???§???£o aos achados histopatol???3gicos da placenta na ????gua




The placenta represents the major communication between the mare and the fetus during the gestational period, and this suggests that any disturbance in the placenta can be an indicator of gestational damage with risk to the fetus. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the clinical and metabolic responses of the newborn foals related with the findings from the histopathological examination of the placenta. This study was conducted in a farm located in Bag??-RS, Brazil, where were evaluated two groups of Throughbred mares for this case-control study: One Problem Group (N=25) and the Control Group (n=25), based on the placental findings. The foal's evaluation was based on general clinical examination, hematology and serum biochemistry. Results from the placenta histopathological exams were compatible with clinical presentation of the foals, with the presence of inflammatory lesions resulting in the production of debilitated foals. The presence of degenerative lesions in the placenta does not compromise the clinical features of the newborn, but they can be responsible for the manifestation of sub-clinical disturbances, evidenced by increased levels of AST and GGT. Urea seems to be an indicator of renal damage due to placental insufficiency in neonatal foals.
机译:胎盘代表了母马与胎儿在妊娠期间的主要交流,这表明胎盘的任何紊乱都可以指示出妊娠受损并可能危害胎儿。本文的目的是评估与胎盘组织病理学检查结果相关的新生小马驹的临床和代谢反应。这项研究是在巴西Bag ??-RS的一个农场中进行的,在该农场中,本案例对照研究评估了两组纯种母马:一个问题组(N = 25)和对照组(n = 25),根据胎盘的发现。对小马驹的评估基于一般的临床检查,血液学和血清生化指标。胎盘组织病理学检查的结果与小马驹的临床表现相吻合,并伴有炎症性病变,导致了小马驹的衰弱。胎盘中退行性病变的存在并没有损害新生儿的临床特征,但是它们可以导致亚临床障碍的表现,这可以通过AST和GGT水平的升高来证明。尿素似乎是新生儿小马驹胎盘功能不全导致肾损害的指标。



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