首页> 外文期刊>Archivio Italiano di Urologia e Andrologia >Intraoperative ultrasound-guided enucleation of testicular nodule

Intraoperative ultrasound-guided enucleation of testicular nodule




Objective: We report a case of enucleation of a non-palpable right testicular lesion found incidentally at testicular ultrasonography during investigations in a patient with azoospermia. Materials and methods: In 2011 bilateral hypoechoic nonpalpable testicular lesions (5 mm and 3 mm to the right, 3 mm to the left) were found in a 28 years old patient, during diagnostic investigations for azoospermia. In March 2016, ultrasonography showed that the diameter of the right major nodule had grown to 12 mm, characterized by increased vascularization and increased texture. Blood exams showed serum FSH above normal levels with negative oncologic markers. The patients underwent surgical enucleation of the right nodule under ultrasonography guidance. Results: In post operative day 1 a control ultrasonography documented the disappearance of the lesion. Hystopathologic examination diagnosed a Leydig cell tumor, with negative surgical margins. The patient is in good clinical conditions and is under periodic ultrasonographic follow up. Conclusion: Organ sparing surgery represent a good therapeutic option for little intraparenchymal lesions, mostly in young patients in which is preferable to preserve fertility. Intraoperatory ultrasonography represent an important tool for the localization of the lesion.
机译:目的:我们报告无精子症患者在调查过程中偶然在睾丸超声检查中发现的不可触及的右睾丸病变摘除的病例。材料和方法:2011年,在对无精子症进行诊断调查时,发现一名28岁患者的双侧低回声不可触及的睾丸病变(右侧5 mm和3 mm,左侧3 mm)。 2016年3月,超声检查显示右主结节直径已增加至12 mm,其特征是血管化程度增加和质地增加。血液检查显示血清FSH高于正常水平,且肿瘤标志物阴性。患者在超声引导下接受右结节的手术摘除术。结果:术后第1天,对照超声检查记录了病变的消失。组织病理学检查诊断为Leydig细胞瘤,手术切缘阴性。患者处于良好的临床状态,并接受定期超声检查。结论:保留器官的手术是治疗微小实质性病变的良好选择,主要是在年轻患者中,首选保留生育力。术中超声检查是病变定位的重要工具。



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