首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >Isotopic composition of daily precipitation along the southern foothills of the Himalayas: impact of marine and continental sources of atmospheric moisture

Isotopic composition of daily precipitation along the southern foothills of the Himalayas: impact of marine and continental sources of atmospheric moisture




The flow of the Himalayan rivers, a key source of fresh water for more than a billion people primarily depends upon the strength, behaviour and duration of the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) and the western disturbances (WD), two contrasting circulation regimes of the regional atmosphere. An analysis of the sup2/supH and sup18/supO isotope composition of daily precipitation collected along the southern foothills of the Himalayas, combined with extensive backward trajectory modelling, was used to gain deeper insight into the mechanisms controlling the isotopic composition of precipitation and the origin of atmospheric moisture and precipitation during ISM and WD periods. Daily precipitation samples were collected during the period from September 2008 to December 2011 at six stations, extending from Srinagar in the west (Kashmir state) to Dibrugarh in the east (Assam state). In total, 548 daily precipitation samples were collected and analysed for their stable isotope composition. It is suggested that the gradual reduction in the sup2/supH and sup18/supO content of precipitation in the study region, progressing from δsup18/supO values close to zero down to ca. ?10 ‰ in the course of ISM evolution, stems from regional, large-scale recycling of moisture-driven monsoonal circulation. Superimposed on this general trend are short-term fluctuations of the isotopic composition of rainfall, which might have stem from local effects such as enhanced convective activity and the associated higher degree of rainout of moist air masses (local amount effect), the partial evaporation of raindrops, or the impact of isotopically heavy moisture generated in evapotranspiration processes taking place in the vicinity of rainfall sampling sites. Seasonal footprint maps constructed for three stations representing the western, central and eastern portions of the Himalayan region indicate that the influence of monsoonal circulation reaches the western edges of the Himalayan region. While the characteristic imprint of monsoonal air masses (increase of monthly rainfall amount) can be completely absent in the western Himalayas, the onset of the ISM period in this region is still clearly visible in the isotopic composition of daily precipitation. A characteristic feature of daily precipitation collected during the WD period is the gradual increase of sup2/supH and sup18/supO content, reaching positive δsup2/supH and δsup18/supO values towards the end of the period. This trend can be explained by the growing importance of moisture of continental origin as a source of daily precipitation. High deuterium-excess (d-excess) values of daily rainfall recorded at the monitoring stations (38 cases in total, range from 20.6 to 44.0 ‰) are attributed to moisture of continental origin released into the atmosphere during the evaporation of surface water bodies and/or soil water evaporation.
机译:喜马拉雅河是十亿多人口的主要淡水来源,其流量主要取决于印度夏季风(ISM)和西部扰动(WD)的强度,行为和持续时间,这是印度流的两种截然不同的循环方式。区域气氛。通过对喜马拉雅山南麓山丘每日降水的 2 H和 18 O同位素组成进行分析,并结合广泛的向后轨迹模型,获得了更深入的了解进入控制ISM和WD时期降水的同位素组成以及大气水分和降水起源的机制。从2008年9月至2011年12月的6个站点收集了每日降水样本,这些站点从西部(克什米尔州)的斯利那加到东部(阿萨姆州)的迪布鲁加尔。总共收集了548个每日降水样品,并分析了它们的稳定同位素组成。建议研究区降水的 2 H和 18 O含量从δ 18 O值逐渐减小归零到大约在ISM演化过程中,?10‰来自于湿度驱动的季风环流的区域性,大规模回收。叠加在这一总体趋势上的是降雨的同位素组成的短期波动,这可能源于局部效应,例如对流活动增强以及与之相关的较高的湿气降雨程度(局部量效应),雨滴,或在降雨采样点附近发生的蒸散过程中产生的同位素重水分的影响。为代表喜马拉雅地区西部,中部和东部的三个站点构建的季节性足迹图表明,季风环流的影响达到了喜马拉雅地区的西部边缘。虽然在喜马拉雅山西部地区可能完全没有季风气团的特征性印记(每月降雨量的增加),但在该区域的ISM时期的开始在每日降水的同位素组成中仍然清晰可见。 WD期间每日降水的一个特征是 2 H和 18 O含量逐渐增加,达到δ 2 H和正值。周期结束时δ 18 O值。这种趋势可以用大陆来源的水分作为日降水源的日益增长的重要性来解释。监测站记录到的每日过量氘过量(d-过量)值(总共38例,范围从20.6至44.0‰)归因于地表水体蒸发和蒸发过程中释放到大气中的大陆起源的水分。 /或土壤水分蒸发。



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