首页> 中文期刊>西藏研究 >西藏喜马拉雅山东南麓禁猎后的弓箭使用方式--以陈塘夏尔巴人为例




弓箭是古代西藏重要的武器和狩猎工具。1988年《中华人民共和国野生动物保护》颁布以后,西藏自治区开始进入全民禁猎时期。对于长期有狩猎传统,生活在喜马拉雅东麓的门巴、珞巴、夏尔巴人等族群来说,其弓箭存在现状、功用、使用方式等也发生了一定的化。但由于弓箭曾经与夏尔巴人的生活、生存和生产关系密切,除了夏尔巴新年射箭比赛,它在各种宗教仪式中作为宗教器物,仍然表现出某种特殊的象征意义。%Bows and arrows are important weapons and hunting tools in ancient Tibet .Since the enacting of the Law of the Protection of Wild Animals by the People ’s Republic of China in 1988,Tibet Au-onomous Region started the all -the-people game-hunting prohibition period .For people of Menba ,Lu-ba,Sheba and other ethnic groups ,who live in the southeast of Himalaya ,few of them focus their atten-ion on the study of the present situation ,the function evolvement and the way of use of rows and ar-ows.Therefore the author tries to illustrate and analyze on the status quo ,the function evolvement and he way of use of rows and arrows in Chentang area based on the first -hand information obtained in his field work in Chentang for several times .



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