首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >On the relationship of polar mesospheric cloud ice water content, particle radius and mesospheric temperature and its use in multi-dimensional models

On the relationship of polar mesospheric cloud ice water content, particle radius and mesospheric temperature and its use in multi-dimensional models




The distribution of ice layers in the polar summer mesosphere (called polarmesospheric clouds or PMCs) is sensitive to background atmosphericconditions and therefore affected by global-scale dynamics. To investigatethis coupling it is necessary to simulate the global distribution of PMCswithin a 3-dimensional (3-D) model that couples large-scale dynamics withcloud microphysics. However, modeling PMC microphysics within 3-D globalchemistry climate models (GCCM) is a challenge due to the high computationalcost associated with particle following (Lagrangian) or sectionalmicrophysical calculations. By characterizing the relationship between thePMC effective radius, ice water content (iwc), and local temperature (T) from anensemble of simulations from the sectional microphysical model, theCommunity Aerosol and Radiation Model for Atmospheres (CARMA), we determinedthat these variables can be described by a robust empirical formula. Thecharacterized relationship allows an estimate of an altitude distribution ofPMC effective radius in terms of local temperature and iwc. For our purposes weuse this formula to predict an effective radius as part of a bulkparameterization of PMC microphysics in a 3-D GCCM to simulate growth,sublimation and sedimentation of ice particles without keeping track of thetime history of each ice particle size or particle size bin. This allowscost effective decadal scale PMC simulations in a 3-D GCCM to be performed.This approach produces realistic PMC simulations including estimates of theoptical properties of PMCs. We validate the relationship with PMC data fromthe Solar Occultation for Ice Experiment (SOFIE).
机译:夏季极地中球层(称为极地中层云或PMC)中的冰层分布对背景大气条件敏感,因此受全球规模动态的影响。为了研究这种耦合,有必要在将大型动力学与云微观物理学耦合的3维(3-D)模型中模拟PMC的全局分布。然而,由于与粒子追踪(拉格朗日)或截面微观物理计算相关的高计算成本,因此在3-D全球化学气候模型(GCCM)中对PMC微观物理建模是一个挑战。通过从截面微物理模型,社区气溶胶和辐射的模拟合集中表征PMC有效半径,冰水含量( iwc )和局部温度( T )之间的关系大气模型(CARMA),我们确定这些变量可以用鲁棒的经验公式来描述。表征关系允许根据局部温度和 iwc 估算PMC有效半径的高度分布。出于我们的目的,我们使用此公式来预测有效半径,作为3-D GCCM中PMC微观物理整体参数化的一部分,以模拟冰粒的生长,升华和沉降,而无需跟踪每个冰粒尺寸或粒度容器的时间历史。这使得可以在3-D GCCM中进行具有成本效益的十年级PMC仿真。这种方法可以产生逼真的PMC仿真,包括对PMC光学特性的估算。我们验证了与冰雪太阳掩星实验(SOFIE)的PMC数据的关系。



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