首页> 外文期刊>Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention >Melanoma Screening Day in Krasnoyarsk Krai of the Russian Federation: Results from 2015-2016

Melanoma Screening Day in Krasnoyarsk Krai of the Russian Federation: Results from 2015-2016




Objective: The Melanoma Screening Day Campaign started in the Russian Federation in 2006. In the present study,we analyzed the 2015-2016 survey questionnaire data acquired from screened individuals in the city of Krasnoyarsk ineastern Siberia, which has a population of one million, in order to understand the level of awareness regarding melanoma/skin cancer prevention and early diagnosis. Methods: Individuals were enrolled in the screening campaign by massmedia advertising. Free whole-body examinations were provided by the doctors, and the standardized questionnaireforms (n=444) were completed to obtain relevant demographic, epidemiological, and clinical data. Descriptive andunivariate analyses were conducted to elucidate the main characteristics of the screened population. Percentage frequencywas used to characterize the population. Result: A substantial proportion of the screened individuals were female(80%). The most common reasons for participating in the screening were a high number of moles, or a change in theappearance of the moles. Internet recourses were the main channel for obtaining the information about the MelanomaDay Screening Campaign. 5% of screened individuals had a family history of melanoma/skin cancer. The mean age ofthe participants was 36.63±16.31 years. The percentage of screened individuals who took part in this program increasedin 2016 (18%) versus 2015 (8%). In total, 5 individuals with suspected melanoma/skin cancer were identified duringthe two-year Campaign, all of whom were referred to the regional oncology center. Conclusion: The analysis of datafrom the Melanoma Screening Day Campaign in Krasnoyarsk Krai revealed the necessity to use the media to attractolder subjects with potential melanoma/skin cancer risk to undergo screening. Individuals with suspected malignanciesshould be monitored up until the time when a final diagnosis is determined. Moreover, such events are an appropriateway to inform and educate the public about cutaneous cancer prevention.
机译:目的:黑素瘤筛查日运动于2006年在俄罗斯联邦开始。在本研究中,我们分析了2015-2016年调查问卷数据,这些数据是从西伯利亚东部克拉斯诺亚尔斯克市(人口为100万)的被筛查个体获得的为了了解有关黑色素瘤/皮肤癌的预防和早期诊断的意识水平。方法:通过大众媒体广告招募个人参加筛查活动。医生提供了免费的全身检查,并填写了标准化的调查表(n = 444)以获得相关的人口统计学,流行病学和临床数据。进行描述性和单变量分析以阐明被筛查人群的主要特征。使用百分比频率来表征人口。结果:筛查的个体中相当一部分为女性(80%)。参与筛选的最常见原因是痣的数量很多或痣的外观发生了变化。互联网资源是获取有关MelanomaDay筛查活动信息的主要渠道。 5%的被筛查者具有黑色素瘤/皮肤癌的家族病史。参与者的平均年龄为36.63±16.31岁。与2015年(8%)相比,2016年(18%)参与该计划的受筛查个体百分比有所增加。在为期两年的战役中,共鉴定出5名可疑黑素瘤/皮肤癌患者,所有这些患者均被转介至区域肿瘤学中心。结论:对克拉斯诺亚尔斯克边疆区黑素瘤筛查日活动的数据分析表明,有必要使用媒体吸引具有潜在黑素瘤/皮肤癌风险的老年受试者进行筛查。对患有可疑恶性肿瘤的个体应进行监视,直到确定最终诊断为止。而且,这些事件是向公众宣传和预防皮肤癌的适当途径。



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