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MNIST Classification using Deep Learning




Lately, deep learning has seen enormous using in computer vision and classification applications. In this study, an implementation of deep architecture is done in order to compare two classification architectures, those are usual neural networks that contain unique hidden layer with the notion of deep learning as a ?Deep Belief Networks? (DBN) that represented by many layers. Both architectures are implemented on the images of MNIST digit dataset for the classification purpose. The usual network of digit recognition was trained as a supervised learning using backpropagation algorithms while DBN was trained using two stages, one as unsupervised learning and the other as a supervised learning. In the unsupervised learning, we used the contrastive divergence algorithm and with the supervised used back propagation as a fine tuning networks. The features are extracted as pixels from the image represented that digit to train the networks that depended on the intensity of pixel in image that white color represented as a 0?s and black color represented as a 1?s. DBN is performs as many layers each layer represent as a Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) as a stack that will represent in sequence. The learning of DBNs consisting of two steps, a pre-training step and a fine-tune step. DBNs gave a higher performance as compared with the usual neural networks with an accuracy of approximately 98.58% for classification of handwrite digit of MNIST dataset.
机译:近来,深度学习已在计算机视觉和分类应用中得到了巨大的应用。在本研究中,完成了深度体系结构的实现,以比较两种分类体系结构,它们是通常的神经网络,其中包含唯一的隐藏层,并带有作为“深度信念网络”的深度学习概念。 (DBN)由许多层代表。出于分类目的,两种架构都在MNIST数字数据集的图像上实现。常用的数字识别网络使用反向传播算法训练为监督学习,而DBN则使用两个阶段训练,一个阶段为无监督学习,另一阶段为监督学习。在无监督学习中,我们使用对比发散算法,并在有监督的情况下使用反向传播作为微调网络。从表示该数字的图像中提取特征作为像素,以训练网络,该网络取决于图像中像素的强度,白色表示为0?s,黑色表示为1?s。 DBN执行每层所代表的层数就像一个限制Boltzmann机器(RBM)一样,是按顺序代表的堆栈。 DBN的学习包括两个步骤,一个预训练步骤和一个微调步骤。与普通的神经网络相比,DBN具有更高的性能,对MNIST数据集的手写数字进行分类的准确度约为98.58%。



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