首页> 外文期刊>Asian journal of animal and veterinary advances >Development of a Gold Nanoparticle Based Lateral Flow Assay for Rapid Diagnosis of Contagious Agalactia in Goats

Development of a Gold Nanoparticle Based Lateral Flow Assay for Rapid Diagnosis of Contagious Agalactia in Goats




A gold nanoparticle based lateral flow assay was developed for rapid serodiagnosis of contagious agalactia, an economically important mycoplasmal disease of small ruminants. Sonicated antigen of Mycoplasma agalactiae was used as the test reagent that was immobilized on nitrocellulose membrane along with the control line of goat IgG. The detection reagent, gold nanoparticle conjugated with anti-goat antibody was dried on the conjugate pad. During the assay, specific antibodies against M. agalactiae in the test serum that combined with the detection reagent were captured in the test line and detected visually by the development of a red line on nitrocellulose membrane. The gold conjugate captured in control line produced a red line regardless of the presence of specific antibodies that served as a procedural control. Serum samples collected from an experimentally infected goat were tested with the lateral flow assay and antibodies were detected from 9th day of infection and the assay was also evaluated using 100 goat sera samples. This is the first report regarding development of a gold nanoparticle based lateral flow assay for rapid diagnosis of contagious agalactia in goats. This study suggests that current lateral flow assay can be used as a user friendly diagnostic in laboratories lacking specialized equipments as well as for point of care diagnosis of contagious agalactia.



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