首页> 外文期刊>Arts >The Ethics of Representation in Light of Minamata Disease: Tsuchimoto Noriaki and His Minamata Documentaries

The Ethics of Representation in Light of Minamata Disease: Tsuchimoto Noriaki and His Minamata Documentaries




In this paper, I will examine how Japanese documentary filmmaker Tsuchimoto Noriaki (1928–2008) tackled the issue of visual ethics through the representation of Matsunaga Kumiko and Kamimura Tomoko—two young female patients known for the symbolic roles they each played in the history of Minamata disease. I will introduce the ethical challenge Tsuchimoto encountered upon his first visit to Minamata in 1965—especially how he grappled with the question of filming subjects ( shutai ) who were unconscious and/or unable to express whether they approved the act of filming or not—and how such conundrums were reflected into his representation of Kumiko in her hospital bed. For the analysis of the representation of Tomoko as seen in Tsuchimoto’s documentary, I will bring in W. Eugene Smith’s photograph “Tomoko and Mother in the Bath” as a point of comparison to explore what could be an ethical representation of Minamata disease patients, including the issue of photographs that seem to beautify the tragedy. Based on the above examinations, I will argue that the challenges Tsuchimoto faced upon representing unresponsive subjects and the very struggle to find a way to capture them as humans, not as patients or victims, altered his manner of artistic and political involvement with Minamata disease. And in the current post-Fukushima era, the issue of ethical representation that he kept exploring carries even more significance upon representing disasters.
机译:在本文中,我将研究日本纪录片制片人Tsuchimoto Noriaki(1928–2008)如何通过代表松永久美子和上村智子的方式解决视觉伦理问题,这两位年轻的女性患者因各自在日本历史上所扮演的象征性角色而闻名。水am病。我将介绍Tsuchimoto在1965年首次访问水am市时遇到的道德挑战,尤其是他如何应对拍摄对象(shutai)的问题,这些对象无意识和/或无法表达他们是否批准了拍摄行为。这些难题如何反映到他在病床上的久美子的形象中。为了分析在Tsuchimoto的纪录片中所见的Tomoko的代表性,我将W. Eugene Smith的照片“ Tomoko and the Bath in Mother”作为比较点,以探讨什么是水am病患者的伦理代表性。照片美化悲剧的问题。根据以上检查,我将认为Tsuchimoto在代表无反应的受试者方面面临的挑战,以及为找到一种将其捕获为人类而不是患者或受害者的方法而进行的艰苦努力改变了他对水Min病的艺术和政治参与方式。在当前的后福岛时代,他不断探索的道德代表问题在代表灾难方面具有更大的意义。



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