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Urinary incontinence in Qatar: A study of the prevalence, risk factors and impact on quality of life




Objective To study the prevalence of and risk factors for urinary incontinence (UI) in Qatar, and its impact on quality of life (QoL). Patients and methods This study was conducted in two phases, as phase 1 from 2010 to 2011 and phase 2 from 2011 to 2012. In phase 1 we calculated the prevalence of UI in Qatar and its risk factors. In phase 2 we determined the frequency and severity of different types of UI and its impact on QoL, by using the International Consultation Incontinence Questionnaire – Short Form (ICIQ-SF). Results The total of women included in phase 1 was 521, among whom 108 (20.7%) confirmed that they had experienced UI during the previous 4 weeks, whilst 413 (79.3%) denied any type of UI. Women with UI were older and less educated. Bronchial asthma was the only statistically significant factor affecting UI. In phase 2, 1085 patients with UI were enrolled, of whom 454 (41.9%) had urge UI (UUI), 484 (44.5%) had stress UI (SUI) and 148 (13.6%) had mixed UI (MUI). This phase also showed a distribution of the type of UI according to the age of the patients. UUI was predominant in women aged 40 years, SUI in those aged 70 years and MUI in those aged 40–70 years. Of these women, 86% had a small amount of urinary leakage (requiring 1–2 pads per day) but this had a significant effect on their QoL. Conclusion In Qatar, 21% of women have UI, but bronchial asthma was a significant risk factor influencing the occurrence of UI. Social and religious factors have a significant effect on the QoL of incontinent women. A well-designed national health programme for both women in general and for those with UI, and for physicians and nurses in primary health centres, is highly recommended.
机译:目的研究卡塔尔尿失禁(UI)的患病率和危险因素及其对生活质量(QoL)的影响。患者和方法本研究分两个阶段进行,分别为2010年至2011年的第一阶段和2011年至2012年的第二阶段。在第一阶段,我们计算了卡塔尔UI的患病率及其危险因素。在第2阶段,我们通过使用国际咨询失禁问卷-简表(ICIQ-SF)来确定不同类型UI的频率和严重性及其对QoL的影响。结果第一阶段的女性总数为521名,其中108名(20.7%)确认她们在过去4周内经历过UI,而413名(79.3%)拒绝接受任何类型的UI。患有UI的女性年龄较大,文化程度较低。支气管哮喘是影响UI的唯一统计学上显着的因素。在第2阶段中,招募了1085例UI病患,其中有454例(41.9%)患有急诊UI(UUI),484例(44.5%)有应激性UI(SUI)和148例(13.6%)患有混合性UI(MUI)。该阶段还显示了根据患者年龄的UI类型分布。 UUI在<40岁的女性中占主导地位,在<70岁的女性中以SUI为主,在40-70岁的女性中以MUI为主。在这些妇女中,有86%的妇女尿量少(每天需要1-2个尿垫),但这对她们的QoL有显着影响。结论在卡塔尔,有21%的女性患有UI,但支气管哮喘是影响UI发生的重要危险因素。社会和宗教因素对失禁妇女的生活质量有重大影响。强烈建议为一般妇女和有UI的妇女以及初级保健中心的医生和护士设计精心设计的国家卫生计划。



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