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In vivo calibration of juvenile crayfish body length and weight with a photographic-computer method




In vivo calibration of juvenile crayfish body length and weight with a photographic-computer methodThe aim of this work was to develop a photographic-computer method to determine in vivo the body length and weight of juvenile crayfish based on standards that describe the dependence curves of these characters. The measurement procedure that was developed requires one digital group photograph of a sample generally comprised of thirty or so individuals and an image scale, which is visible within the frame. A special program is used to analyze the image according to the scale on the image. Further, only the cephalothorax length (CL) of specimens from the studied sample that appear in the photograph is measured. Total length (TL) and weight (W) are then calculated with correlation formulae that were developed for the characters analyzed. The following dependencies were calculated from the formulae developed for two-month-old narrow-clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus (Esch.) (n = 101, W = 225.9 ± 67.2 mg, TL = 18.7±2.1 mm): TL = 1.739 CL + 1.1903, W = 0.1306 TL2.533, W = 0.7635 CL2.4476. All of the dependencies were highly significant statistically (P < 0.001).
机译:用照相计算机方法对少年小龙虾的体长和体重进行体内校准本工作的目的是开发一种照相计算机方法,根据描述小龙虾体长和体重的标准曲线确定体内小龙虾的体长和体重。字符。制定的测量程序需要一张通常由三十个左右的个体组成的样本的数字集体照,以及一个在框架内可见的图像比例尺。一个特殊的程序用于根据图像上的比例来分析图像。此外,仅测量出现在照片中的来自研究样本的样本的胸廓长度(CL)。然后,使用针对所分析字符开发的相关公式来计算总长度(TL)和重量(W)。根据为两个月大的窄爪小龙虾(Astacus leptodactylus(Esch。)(n = 101,W = 225.9±67.2 mg,TL = 18.7±2.1 mm)开发的公式计算出以下依赖性:TL = 1.739 CL + 1.1903,W = 0.1306 TL2.533,W = 0.7635 CL2.4476。所有相关性在统计学上都是高度显着的(P <0.001)。



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