首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Polish Fisheries >Characterization of growth and biochemical composition of sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L., juveniles from the Dniester population reared in RAS

Characterization of growth and biochemical composition of sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L., juveniles from the Dniester population reared in RAS

机译:来自RAS饲养的德涅斯特(Dniester)种群的小,(Acipenser ruthenus L.)的生长和生化组成的特征



A broodstock was created with individuals from the diminishing natural sterlet, Acipenser ruthenus L., population in the upper area of the Dniester basin. Selects and spawners were reared in flow-through tanks with natural thermal regimes. This is the first time artificial reproduction has been performed with this species, followed by incubation and larval rearing. The experimental rearing was conducted in tanks in a recirculating aquaculture system, in which the basic environmental quality parameters were controlled, including water temperature, oxygen saturation, and levels of ammonia and nitrite. During rearing, growth rates and proximate composition of larvae and then juvenile were examined. It was confirmed that during the period of endogenous feeding there was a two-fold decrease in the contents of protein and lipids in the bodies of the larvae. The effects of feeding the sterlet juvenile two different types of commercial feed were compared, and it was confirmed that the feed had a significant impact on sterlet growth rates. The mean daily increase in the body weight of sterlet juvenile fed Skretting feed was 1.91%, while that in the group fed Aller feed was 0.97%. Additionally, the juvenile from the former group was characterized by higher contents of protein and lipids in both the liver and muscle and the fatty acid profile was more varied.
机译:在德涅斯特盆地上游地区,逐渐减少的天然小letAcipenser ruthenus L.的个体创造了亲鱼。精选鱼和产卵鱼在自然热条件下的流通池中饲养。这是该物种首次进行人工繁殖,然后进行孵化和幼体饲养。在循环水产养殖系统的水箱中进行实验饲养,该系统的基本环境质量参数受到控制,包括水温,氧饱和度以及氨和亚硝酸盐的含量。在饲养过程中,检查了幼虫以及幼鱼的生长速度和附近的组成。可以肯定的是,在内源性喂养期间,幼虫体内蛋白质和脂质的含量降低了两倍。比较了饲喂两种不同类型的商业虾饲料的效果,并证实该饲料对虾的生长速率有重大影响。 Sk鱼Skretting饲料的平均日增重为1.91%,而Aller饲料组的平均日增重为0.97%。此外,前者的特征是肝脏和肌肉中蛋白质和脂质的含量较高,脂肪酸的分布也变化较大。



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