首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Polish Fisheries >Determining the spring biomass peak of the smallest plankters in selected vendace lakes in Western Pomerania

Determining the spring biomass peak of the smallest plankters in selected vendace lakes in Western Pomerania




The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence peak of the smallest plankters that are an adequate food resource for vendace (Coregonus albula L.) larvae. This goal was accomplished by determining weekly changes in zooplankton biomass, especially rotifers and nauplii, against changes in basic physicochemical parameters of lake waters. As the results of this paper show, the highest abundance of the smallest plankters, rotifers and nauplii, occurs at a particular temperature for a period of two weeks. The most important variable that determined the peak of small plankter biomass is temperature. Thus, the period of stocking lakes with vendace larvae should be synchronized with this temperature and the coinciding biomass peak of rotifers and nauplii, which are the basic food of vendace larvae.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定最小浮游动物的流行高峰,这些浮游生物是金刚鹦鹉幼虫(Coregonus albula L.)幼虫的充足食物资源。通过确定每周浮游生物量(尤其是轮虫和无节幼体)相对于湖水基本理化参数的变化,实现了这一目标。正如本文的结果所示,最小的压板机,轮虫和无节幼体的最高丰度发生在特定温度下,持续两周。决定小型浮游生物量峰值的最重要变量是温度。因此,应在该温度下使湖泊中有范氏幼虫的放养期与轮虫和无节幼体一致的生物量峰值同步,而轮虫和无节幼体是范氏幼虫的基本食物。



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