首页> 外文期刊>Applied cancer research. >Comparison between an immunochemical fecal occult blood test and a Guaiac based fecal occult blood test in detection of adenomas and colorectal cancer

Comparison between an immunochemical fecal occult blood test and a Guaiac based fecal occult blood test in detection of adenomas and colorectal cancer




Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide. Brazil does not have an official well established program for screening colorectal cancer. The aim of this study was to compare Guaiac Based Fecal Occult Blood Test (G-FOBT) to a kind of an Immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Test (I-FOBT), in search of cancer or advanced adenoma. Prospective and cross-sectional study. Asymptomatic and average-risk individuals (n?=?1500) aged from 50 to 75?years old were invited to participate in the study. The primary endpoint was positivity rate and the secondary endpoints were adherence rate and significant endoscopic findings. All participants received both tests with follow-up colonoscopy if either test was positive. Adherence rate of G- FOBT was 756/1500 (50.4%) while for I- FOBT it was 960/1500(64%). The positivity ratio in the I- FOBT was 94/960 (9.8%) and in the G-FOBT was 20/771 (2.6%). The Positive Predict Value (PPV) for the I- FOBT counted 16/77 (21.0%) while for the G- FOBT it was 6/18 (33.0%), considering significant lesions. Regarding the colorectal cancer findings, the detection in the colonoscopy guided from the positivity of fecal occult blood tests was 5/77 (6.5%) in I- FOBT and 2/18 (11.1%) on the G- FOBT. The positivity, the adherence rate and the capacity to detect significant lesions were higher in I-FOBT. Considering the findings of the study we could conclude that I-FOBT was superior to G- FOBT. This study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of A.C.Camargo Cancer Center, S?o Paulo, Brazil, number: 1877/14.
机译:大肠癌(CRC)是全球第三大最常被诊断的癌症。巴西没有官方的成熟计划来筛查大肠癌。这项研究的目的是将基于番石榴的粪便潜血试验(G-FOBT)与一种免疫化学粪便潜血试验(I-FOBT)进行比较,以寻找癌症或晚期腺瘤。前瞻性和横断面研究。邀请年龄在50至75岁之间的无症状和中等风险的个体(n?=?1500)参加研究。主要终点为阳性率,次要终点为依从率和明显的内镜检查结果。如果任何一项测试均为阳性,则所有参与者均接受了两次结肠镜检查。 G-FOBT的粘附率为756/1500(50.4%),而I- FOBT的粘附率为960/1500(64%)。 I-FOBT中的阳性率为94/960(9.8%),G-FOBT中的阳性率为20/771(2.6%)。考虑到明显病变,I-FOBT的阳性预测值(PPV)为16/77(21.0%),而G- FOBT的阳性预测值为6/18(33.0%)。关于大肠癌的发现,以粪便潜血试验阳性为指导的结肠镜检查在I-FOBT中为5/77(6.5%),在G-FOBT中为2/18(11.1%)。 I-FOBT的阳性率,粘附率和发现明显病变的能力较高。考虑到研究结果,我们可以得出结论,I-FOBT优于G-FOBT。这项研究由巴西圣保罗A.C. Camargo癌症中心的机构审查委员会审查并批准,编号:1877/14。



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