首页> 外文期刊>Ambient Science >Assessment of Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Poba Reserved Forest, Dhemaji District, Assam (INDIA)

Assessment of Human-Wildlife Conflicts in Poba Reserved Forest, Dhemaji District, Assam (INDIA)




Human-wildlife conflicts from 1971-2013 in Poba Reserved Forest ispresented here. Data collection included interview, records of forestdepartment and participant observation. There is an increasing trend ofhuman-wildlife conflict in Poba RF. Encroachment for agriculturalexpansion, frequent venturing into forests to collect minor forest productsand livestock grazing are major causes of conflicts. Most cases of conflictoccurred in forests and crop f ields suggesting encroachment and venturinginto animal habitat exposed human to conflict with wildlife. Pearson'scorrelation at 0.01 level of signif icance showed positive correlation betweenwildlife injured/killed and livestock killed/injured (0.819411) and wildlifeinjured/killed and property damaged (0.658009) but negative correlationbetween wildlife injured/killed and crop damaged (-0.04104). Crop raidingby wildlife caused considerable damage to crops and property resulting infood insecurity and economic loss to farmers; farmers also sufferedeconomic lossdue to livestock lifting bypreyanimals. Long yearsof exposureto crop and property loss and risk to life are associated with negative attitudetowards wildlife. The present report will be useful in understanding thenature of conflicts and help local forestdepartment in initiating appropriateconservation measures in Poba RF.
机译:此处显示了1971-2013年Poba保留森林中的人与野生动物之间的冲突。数据收集包括访谈,森林部门记录和参与者观察。在Poba RF中,人类与野生动物之间的冲突有增加的趋势。侵犯农业扩张,频繁冒险进入森林以收集次要林产品和放牧牲畜是冲突的主要原因。大多数森林和农作物发生冲突的情况表明,侵害和冒险进入动物栖息地使人类与野生动植物发生冲突。显着性水平为0.01时的Pearson相关性显示,野生生物受伤/被杀死和牲畜被杀死/受伤(0.819411)与野生生物受伤/被杀及财产损失(0.658009)之间呈正相关,但野生生物受伤/被杀与作物受损(-0.04104)之间呈负相关。野生动植物造成的农作物劫掠严重损害了农作物和财产,造成粮食不安全和农民经济损失;由于牲畜被幼小动物饲养,农民也遭受了经济损失。长期遭受农作物和财产损失以及生命危险与对野生动植物的消极态度有关。本报告将有助于了解冲突的性质,并有助于当地森林部门在波巴河地区采取适当的保护措施。



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