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Assimilation scheme of the Mediterranean Forecasting System: operational implementation




This paper describes the operational implementation of the data assimilation scheme for the Mediterranean Forecasting System Pilot Project (MFSPP). The assimilation scheme, System for Ocean Forecast and Analysis (SOFA), is a reduced order Optimal Interpolation (OI) scheme. The order reduction is achieved by projection of the state vector into vertical Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF). The data assimilated are Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) and temperature profiles from Expandable Bathy Termographs (XBT). The data collection, quality control, assimilation and forecast procedures are all done in Near Real Time (NRT). The OI is used intermittently with an assimilation cycle of one week so that an analysis is produced once a week. The forecast is then done for ten days following the analysis day. The root mean square (RMS) between the model forecast and the analysis (the forecast RMS) is below 0.7°C in the surface layers and below 0.2°C in the layers deeper than 200 m for all the ten forecast days. The RMS between forecast and initial condition (persistence RMS) is higher than forecast RMS after the first day. This means that the model improves forecast with respect to persistence. The calculation of the misfit between the forecast and the satellite data suggests that the model solution represents well the main space and time variability of the SLA except for a relatively short period of three – four weeks during the summer when the data show a fast transition between the cyclonic winter and anti-cyclonic summer regimes. This occurs in the surface layers that are not corrected by our assimilation scheme hypothesis. On the basis of the forecast skill scores analysis, conclusions are drawn about future improvements. Key words. Oceanography; general (marginal and semi-enclosed seas; numerical modeling; ocean prediction)
机译:本文介绍了地中海天气预报系统试点项目(MFSPP)的数据同化方案的实施情况。同化方案海洋预报和分析系统(SOFA)是一种降阶最优插值(OI)方案。通过将状态向量投影到垂直经验正交函数(EOF)中来实现降阶。所吸收的数据是海平面异常(SLA)和来自可扩展的深冷术语仪(XBT)的温度曲线。数据收集,质量控制,同化和预测程序全部以近实时(NRT)完成。 OI以一周的同化周期间歇使用,因此每周进行一次分析。然后在分析日之后的十天内进行预测。在所有十个预测天中,模型预测与分析之间的均方根(RMS)在地表层中均低于0.7°C,而在深于200 m的层中均低于0.2°C。第一天之后,预测和初始条件之间的RMS(持续RMS)高于预测RMS。这意味着该模型可以改善有关持久性的预测。对预报和卫星数据之间的不匹配度的计算表明,模型解很好地表示了SLA的主要时空变化,但夏季的三到四个星期相对较短,这时数据显示出冬季气旋和夏季气旋。这发生在我们的同化方案假设未纠正的表面层中。在预测技能得分分析的基础上,得出有关未来改进的结论。 关键词。 海洋学;一般(边缘海和半封闭海;数值模拟;海洋预报)



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