首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology >SEPTIC ARTHRITIS: A Case of Haemophilus – Aggregatibacter Aphrophilus

SEPTIC ARTHRITIS: A Case of Haemophilus – Aggregatibacter Aphrophilus




We report a case of a 45-year old male with history of recent history knee surgery after a motor vehicular accident who presented with progressive right hip pain, swelling and redness. X-ray showed destruction of the right femoral head with severe degenerative changes. Patient remained septic despite broad-spectrum antibiotics and multiple debridements. After two weeks, on anaerobic cultures from the aspirate, the organism was finally identified to be Haemophilus (Aggregatibacter aphrophilus) aphrophilus. Antibiotic was narrowed to ceftriaxone and continued for six weeks. After completion of his antibiotic treatment, the patient underwent right total hip arthroplasty with bone grafting. Eventually, he was able to walk with assistance and remained in good health.
机译:我们报告了一例45岁的男性,该患者在汽车事故后有近期膝关节手术史,并表现为进行性右髋关节疼痛,肿胀和发红。 X线片显示右股骨头受到破坏,并伴有严重的退行性改变。尽管使用了广谱抗生素和多次清创术,患者仍保持脓毒症。两周后,在吸出物上进行厌氧培养后,该生物最终被鉴定为嗜血嗜血杆菌(嗜碱性粒细胞)。抗生素被缩小为头孢曲松,并持续了六个星期。在完成抗生素治疗后,患者接受了右侧全髋关节置换和植骨术。最终,他得以在协助下行走并保持身体健康。



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