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EISCAT-Cluster observations of quiet-time near-Earth magnetotail fast flows and their signatures in the ionosphere




We report observations of a sequence of quiet-time Earthward bursty bulkflows (BBFs) measured by the Cluster spacecraft in the near-tail plasma sheet(XGSM ~ ?12 to ?14 RE) in the eveningsector, and by simultaneous high-resolution measurements in the northernconjugate ionosphere by the EISCAT radars, a MIRACLE all-sky camera andmagnetometers, as well as a meridian-scanning photometer (MSP) in theScandinavian sector on 17 October 2005.The BBFs at Cluster show signatures that are consistent with the plasma"bubble" model (Chen and Wolf, 1993,1999), e.g. deflection and compression of theambient plasma in front of the Earthward moving bubble, magnetic signaturesof a flow shear region, and the proper flows inside the bubble. In addition,clear signatures of tailward return flows around the edges of the bubble canbe identified. The duskside return flows are associated with significantdecrease in plasma density, giving support to the recent suggestion byWalsh et al.(2009) of formation of a depleted wake. However, the same feature isnot seen for the dawnside return flows, but rather an increase in density.In the ionosphere, EISCAT and optical measurements show that each of thestudied BBFs is associated with an auroral streamer that starts from thevicinity of the polar cap boundary, intrudes equatorward, brakes at68–70° aacgm MLAT and drifts westward along the proton oval. Withinthe streamer itself and poleward of it, the ionospheric plasma flow has anequatorward component, which is the ionospheric manifestation of theEarthward BBF channel. A sharp velocity shear appears at the equatorward edgeof a streamer. We suggest that each BBF creates a local velocity shear in theionosphere, in which the plasma flow poleward of and inside the streamer isin the direction of the streamer and southeastward. A northwestward returnflow is located on the equatorward side. The return flow is associated withdecreased plasma densities both in the ionosphere and in the magnetosphere asmeasured by EISCAT and Cluster, respectively. In summary, we present thefirst simultaneous high-resolution observations of BBF return flows both inthe plasma sheet and in the ionosphere, and those are in accordance with thebubble model. The results apply for the duskside return flows, but themanifestation of dawnside return flows in the ionosphere requires furtherstudies.Finally, EISCAT measurements indicate increased nightside reconnection rateduring the ~35-min period of BBFs. We suggest that the observedtemporal event of IMF rotation to a more southward direction producesenhanced open flux transport to the nightside magnetotail, and consequently,the nightside reconnection rate is increased.
机译:我们报告了在近尾等离子体片(XGSM〜?12至?14 R E 中由簇状航天器测量的一系列静时地球向突发性大流量(BBF)的观测结果。 sub>),并于2005年10月17日通过EISCAT雷达在北共轭电离层中同时进行高分辨率测量,MIRACLE全天照相机和磁力计以及子午扫描光度计(MSP)。 簇的BBF显示出与血浆“气泡”模型一致的特征(Chen and Wolf,1993,1999),例如地球等离子体在向地球移动的气泡之前的偏转和压缩,流动剪切区域的磁性特征以及气泡内部的适当流动。另外,可以识别出围绕气泡边缘的向后回流的清晰特征。黄昏的回流与血浆密度的显着降低有关,这为Walsh等人(2009)最近提出的耗尽尾流的形成提供了支持。但是,对于黎明的回流来说,并没有看到相同的特征,而是密度的增加。 在电离层中,EISCAT和光学测量结果表明,每个研究的BBF都与从附近开始的极光拖缆有关。极帽边界的边界,向赤道方向侵入,在68–70°aacgm MLAT处制动,并沿质子椭圆向西漂移。电离层等离子流在拖缆自身内部和向其极点处具有向赤道的分量,这是地球向BBF通道的电离层表现。尖锐的速度剪切出现在拖缆的赤道边缘。我们建议,每个BBF都会在电离层中产生局部速度剪切,其中等离子流向拖缆及其内部向极点方向是向拖缆方向和向东南。西北回流位于赤道侧。回流分别与EISCAT和Cluster所测量的电离层和磁层的等离子体密度降低有关。总而言之,我们提出了在血浆片和电离层中对BBF回流的首次同时高分辨率观测,并且这些观测结果与气泡模型一致。结果适用于黄昏返回流,但是电离层中黎明返回流的表现还需要进一步研究。 最后,EISCAT的测量结果表明,在大约35分钟的BBF时间内,夜间重新连接增加了。我们建议,观察到的IMF向南旋转的时间事件将增强通量传输到夜间的磁尾,从而提高夜间的重新连接率。



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