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Scientific findings of Alexander von Humboldt's expedition into the Spanish-American Tropics (1799-1804) from a geographical point of view

机译:从地理角度看亚历山大·冯·洪堡(Alexander von Humboldt)远征西班牙裔美国人(1799-1804)的科学发现



Alexander von Humboldt's expedition from 1799 till 1804 to the "equinoctial regions of the new world" led through Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Mexico. In Europe an increased knowledge of the "New World" was connected with the privately funded journey, which served purely scientific purposes and had nothing to do with the exploration and exploitation of natural resources. Besides the research results, which were based on new measuring methods and the quantitative ascertainment of scientific basics, the journey also made possible detailed descriptions in matters of regional studies including social, socio-economic, political, and economic-geographic circumstances, which were based on empirical field studies. The expedition took place shortly before the political change in Latin America. Humboldt, who still experienced the feudal character of global economy based on slave labor in the colonies, vehemently criticized this economic structure - although he was a noble - and its unbearable social conditions. This is the reason why Humboldt is still admired in Latin America till this day. In Europe the scientific insights of his journey to the tropics and his innovative impulses in geog raphy as well as in many other disciplines brought him fame and lasting recognition as a universal scholar, who had crucial influence on the development of the sciences during the first half of the 19th century.
机译:亚历山大·冯·洪堡(Alexander von Humboldt)从1799年到1804年对“新世界的同盟地区”的考察穿越委内瑞拉,古巴,哥伦比亚,厄瓜多尔,秘鲁和墨西哥。在欧洲,对“新世界”的了解与私人旅行有关,纯粹出于科学目的,与自然资源的勘探和开发无关。除了以新的测量方法和科学基础的定量确定为基础的研究结果之外,这次旅行还使有关区域研究的详细描述成为可能,包括社会,社会经济,政治和经济地理环境,这些都是基于关于实地研究。这次远征发生在拉丁美洲的政治变革之前。洪堡人仍然在殖民地以奴隶劳动为基础,经历了全球经济的封建特征,他强烈地批评了这种经济结构-尽管他是一个贵族-及其难以忍受的社会条件。这就是为什么洪堡至今仍在拉丁美洲受到钦佩的原因。在欧洲,他对热带旅行的科学见解以及对地理学以及许多其他学科的创新冲动使他声名fa起,并获得了公认的普遍学者的称号,他在上半年对科学的发展产生了至关重要的影响19世纪。



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