首页> 外文期刊>American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences >Diagnostic Assessment of Students’ Achievement in Automobile Electrical Works in Technical Colleges in a Developing Country

Diagnostic Assessment of Students’ Achievement in Automobile Electrical Works in Technical Colleges in a Developing Country




The study assessed mastery of automobile electrical works skills of 102 students in nine technicalcolleges in one state using an Automobile Electrical Works Diagnostic Test (AEWDT). It also determinedassociation of the students’ mastery level with school type and location. A diagnostic assessment wasconducted and data was analyzed using Q-matrix and diagnostic classification model (Posterior marginalprobabilities for skills of a threshold of 0.5), frequency counts, percentages and Chi-square. Findings of thestudy revealed that students have low mastery of all the automobile electrical works skills and that their masterylevel is associated with the location and type of school they attend. This study provided empirical evidenceon students’ learning difficulties in automobile electrical works that will help teachers in carrying out effectiveremedial instructions for students who are having learning difficulties, so that no child is left behind in theteaching and learning of the trade.


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