首页> 外文期刊>American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture >Factors that affect the Availability and Adequacy of Food and Its Influence against Food Resilience in the Border of Sambas District

Factors that affect the Availability and Adequacy of Food and Its Influence against Food Resilience in the Border of Sambas District




This study aims to determine the factors that affect the availability and adequacy of food and its effects on the food security of farmhouseholds in the border area. The research location was chosen purposively (purposive sampling) from district level to village level intwo subdistrict coastal and inland areas. This study used a survey method with 265 respondents taken randomly from a population of1121 farmer group members. The data were analyzed using SEM-PLS method 3. The results showed that t-value value ≥ 1.96 and pvalusvalue ≤ 0.05 which means that all the variables have significant effect on food availability and on food sufficiency. Rsquare value0.645 means that all variables (availability of food, food sufficiency, rice stock, IDDL, distance to market and distance to puskesmas)can explain 64,5% influence food security, the rest is influenced by other factors not included in this model. The availability of food isreflected by the production of rice from farmers' household farms with the outer loading coefficient of path (0.939) the largest amongother variables, corn reserves (0.914), cassava reserves (0.846), sweet potato stock (0.823) and sourced from buy rice (-0.760). Foodsufficiency is reflected by the largest price of meat (-0,847) among others, followed by the frequency of meetings of farming mothers invillage organization activities (0.822), fish prices (0.624), number of family members (0.469) and farm income (0.464). Furthermore,the food resilience was reflected by the land carrying capacity index (0.922), the largest among others, rice reserves (0.756), farmers'market distance (0.422), food sufficiency (0.417), food availability (0.398) and distance farm household to health service center (-0.316). Viewed from the category of food security most (78%) of farm households in the border area in food-prone conditions to lessfood.
机译:这项研究旨在确定影响粮食供应和充足性的因素,以及对边境地区农户粮食安全的影响。在两个分区的沿海和内陆地区,从地区级别到乡村级别有目的地选择了研究地点(目的抽样)。这项研究使用了一项调查方法,从1121个农民小组成员中随机抽取了265名受访者。使用SEM-PLS方法3对数据进行分析。结果表明,t值≥1.96,pvalusvalue≤0.05,这意味着所有变量对食物供应和食物充足性都有显着影响。 Rsquare值0.645表示所有变量(食物的可获得性,食物的充足性,大米库存,IDDL,到市场的距离以及到脓肿的距离)可以解释64.5%的影响食品安全,其余因素受此未包括的其他因素影响模型。农民家庭农场生产的大米反映了食物的可利用性,其中路径外部负载系数(0.939)最大,其中玉米储量(0.914),木薯储量(0.846),甘薯储量(0.823)和来源从买米(-0.760)。其中,肉类价格最高(-0,847),其次是农业母亲参加农业组织活动的频率(0.822),鱼价(0.624),家庭成员人数(0.469)和农场收入(0.464) )。此外,土地承载力指数(0.922)反映了食物的抗灾能力,其中土地储备最大(0.76),农民的市场距离(0.422),食物充足(0.417),食物供应(0.398)和远距离农场家庭到卫生服务中心(-0.316)。从粮食安全的类别来看,边境地区大多数(78%)的农户处于粮食易发,粮食较少的状况。



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