首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Evaluating the Effects of Staking and Planting Dates on the Yields of African Yam Bean, Sphenostylis stenocarpa in Nigeria

Evaluating the Effects of Staking and Planting Dates on the Yields of African Yam Bean, Sphenostylis stenocarpa in Nigeria

机译:评价放样和播种日期对尼日利亚非洲山药豆,Sphenostylis stenocarpa产量的影响



Aims: To evaluate the effects of staking and planting dates on the seed/tuber yields of African yam bean (AYB). Study Design: The fields were laid out in split-plots in randomized complete block design Place and Duration: Field experiments were conducted at Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria during 2009/10 farming seasons. Methodology: Three different planting dates were used as the main-plot treatments, while staking and non-staking formed the sub-plots. Seven accessions of AYB were planted in the sub-plots. Five plants were randomly selected from each accession/treatment and tagged for data collection. Each seedling was staked independent after germination, while the non-staked plants were allowed to trail on the ground guided. Collected data were subjected to analyses of variance. Mean separation was carried out by Fisher’s protected LSD test. Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was used to determine the relationship between yields, planting dates and staking. Results: The results indicated that all the AYB accessions performed better when they were staked and planted earlier in May of each season with greater seed/tuber yields, which differed significantly (P -1 of tubers per hectare; however tuber yield showed inverse relationship to that of the seed yield across the accessions with the highest tuber yield recorded in TSs93 and least in TSs86. Conclusion: For increased seed/tuber yields of AYB in Nigeria, it has to be staked and planted early in May of each season.
机译:目的:评估放样和播种日期对非洲山药豆(AYB)种子/块茎产量的影响。研究设计:田地以随机完整块设计的分区图进行布局。地点和持续时间:在2009/10种植季节期间,在尼日利亚阿巴卡利基的Ebonyi州立大学进行了田间试验。方法:将三种不同的播种日期作为主要地块处理方法,而放样和不放样构成了子图。在子图上种植了七种AYB。从每个登录/处理中随机选择五株植物,并标记以收集数据。发芽后,将每棵幼苗独立放样,而未带桩的植物则允许在地面引导下落后。收集的数据经过方差分析。平均分离是通过Fisher受保护的LSD测试进行的。皮尔逊相关系数(r)用于确定产量,播种日期和放样之间的关系。结果:结果表明,在每个季节的5月早些时候,所有AYB品种进行放样和播种时,表现都更好,种子/块茎单产更高,差异很大(每公顷块茎P -1 ;但是块茎单产表现出与各品种种子产量成反比的关系,TSs93中记录的块茎产量最高,TSs86中记录的块茎产量最低,结论:要增加尼日利亚AYB的种子/块茎产量,必须在每个月的5月初进行放样和播种。季节。



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