首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Mineral Fertilization and Baking Value of Grain and Flour of Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta L.

Mineral Fertilization and Baking Value of Grain and Flour of Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta L.




Aims: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of varied nitrogen fertilization and foliar application of microelements (Cu, Zn, Mn and combined application of Cu+Zn+Mn) and the effect of their interaction on the grain yield quantity and some technological parameters of grain and flour of Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta L. cv. ‘Rokosz’. Study Design: The field experiment was established with the randomized split-plot method in three replications. Place and Duration of Study: Field study was conducted in two vegetation season (2012/2013, 2013/2014), at the Research Station in Minikowo near Bydgoszcz (53°10′2″?N, 17°44′22″?E) in Midwest Poland. Methodology: The research factors were different levels of nitrogen fertilization (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg?ha-1) and foliar application of microelements (Cu, Mn, Zn and combined application of Cu+Mn+Zn). The obtained grain yield from the plots was adjusted to the constant humidity of 15%. From each plot, representative grain samples were collected for determination of quality features i.e. falling number, protein content, wet gluten, sedimentation value, water absorption of flour and bread volume from 100 g of flour. Results: The grain yield of spelt cv. Rokosz ranged from 4.25 to 7.51 Mg·ha-1. In the season 2012/13 each increase in N by 20 kg?ha-1 resulted in a significant increase (from 10.7 to 29.5%) in the grain yield in relation to the control. In the second year of the study, increasing fertilization by another 20 kg N?ha-1 caused a significant increase in yield (from 7.8 to 10.9%) as compared with the lower fertilization treatment. All quantity parameters of spelt increased significantly (compared to control) with the increase of nitrogen fertilization level (4.3 – 28.8% in the 2012/13 season and 11.7-95.4% in 2013/14) and micronutrients foliar application (1.4 - 8.0% in 2012/13 and 2.8 – 5.9% in the 2013/14 season). Conclusion: Each increase in the nitrogen fertilization level caused an increase in grain yield of Triticum spelta L. cv. ‘Rokosz’. Separate and combined application of microelements resulted in a positive yield-forming effect as compared with the control. Varied fertilization with nitrogen and microelements significantly determined the values of the studied technological parameters.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是确定氮肥的不同施用以及叶面施用微量元素(铜,锌,锰以及铜+锌+锰的联合施用)的影响以及它们之间的相互作用对籽粒产量和一些产量的影响。普通小麦籽粒和面粉的技术参数斯佩尔塔湖‘Rokosz’。研究设计:采用随机分裂图法进行了三次重复的田间试验。研究的地点和持续时间:在比得哥什附近的Minikowo研究站(53°10′2″?N,17°44′22″?E)的两个植被季节(2012 / 2013、2013 / 2014)进行了实地研究。 )在波兰中西部。方法:研究因素为不同水平的氮肥水平(0、20、40、60、80和100 kg?ha -1 )和叶面施用微量元素(铜,锰,锌和联合施用) (Cu + Mn + Zn)。从地块获得的谷物产量被调节到恒定湿度为15%。从每个样地中收集代表性的谷物样品,以测定质量特征,即降落数量,蛋白质含量,湿面筋,沉降值,面粉的吸水率和100克面粉的面包量。结果:拼写简历的谷物产量。 Rokosz的范围为4.25至7.51 Mg·ha -1 。在2012/13年度,氮素每增加20 kg?ha -1 ,与对照相比,谷物产量显着增加(从10.7增至29.5%)。在研究的第二年,与较低施肥处理相比,施肥再增加20 kg N?ha -1 导致产量显着提高(从7.8%增至10.9%)。随着氮肥水平的提高(2012/13年度为4.3 – 28.8%,2013/14年度为11.7-95.4%)和微量营养元素叶面施用(2004年为1.4 – 8.0%),所有拼写的数量参数均显着增加(与对照相比)。 2012/13和2013/14赛季的2.8 – 5.9%)。结论:氮肥水平的每次提高都会导致小麦的产量增加。 ‘Rokosz’。与对照相比,微量元素的单独和联合施用可产生积极的产量形成效果。氮和微量元素的多样化施肥显着确定了所研究技术参数的值。



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