首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Cytogenetic Activity of Root Meristems of Rice in Response to Conditioning in Carrot Extract and Salinity

Cytogenetic Activity of Root Meristems of Rice in Response to Conditioning in Carrot Extract and Salinity




Aims: This study was conducted to evaluate the role of Daucus carota L. root extract in cytogenetic parameters of Oryza sativa L . seeds exposed to salinity. Study Design: The experiment installed was in a completely randomized design, in a 2x4 factorial scheme, with four replicates. Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted between March and June 2017, at the Laboratory of Seed Physiology and at the Laboratory of Genetics both belonging to the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), in Cap?o do Le?o, RS, Brazil. Methodology: Seeds of cultivars BRS Querência (indica subgroup) and BRS 358 (japonic subgroup) were soaked at concentrations of 0% (water), 25%, 50% and 100% of aqueous extract of carrot for 48 h. Then, were germinated on germitest paper moistened with solutions of 0, 25, 75 and 150 mM NaCl and placed in a germination chamber under a mean temperature of 25°C. The evaluation of mitotic index was performed in meristem cells of rice roots when they reached 0.5 to 1 cm in length. Results: An increase in mitotic index was observed with the use of increasing doses of extract for cv. BRS 358, mainly by increasing the number of prophase cells. The salinity affected the two cultivars differently, with increase in the mitotic index for cv. BRS Querência and decrease for cv. BRS 358, but in this, the use of 50% of extract increased the index of cell division even with the increase of salinity. In addition, salinity above 75 mM caused an increase in the number of chromosomal alterations when associated to use of 50% of extract. Conclusion: The results show that there is positive effect of the use of carrot extract on the mitotic index of root meristems of rice, cv. BRS 358, when germinated in the presence or absence of salt stress.
机译:目的:本研究旨在评估胡萝卜(Daucus carota L.)根提取物在水稻的细胞遗传学参数中的作用。种子暴露于盐度。研究设计:安装的实验采用2x4析因方案的完全随机设计,一式四份。研究的地点和持续时间:该实验于2017年3月至6月之间,在都属于佩洛塔斯联邦大学(UFPel)的种子生理学实验室和遗传学实验室进行,该实验室位于里约热内卢, 巴西。方法:将BRSQuerência(印度亚组)和BRS 358(日本亚组)的种子分别以0%(水),25%,50%和100%胡萝卜水提液的浓度浸泡48小时。然后,在用0、25、75和150 mM NaCl溶液润湿的最萌的纸上发芽,并置于平均温度为25°C的发芽室内。当水稻根分生组织的长度达到0.5至1 cm时,进行有丝分裂指数的评估。结果:随着cv提取物剂量的增加,观察到有丝分裂指数的增加。 BRS 358,主要是通过增加前期细胞的数量。盐度对两个品种的影响不同,cv的有丝分裂指数增加。 BRSQuerência并降低简历。 BRS 358,但是在这种情况下,即使盐度增加,使用50%的提取物也会增加细胞分裂指数。此外,当使用50%的提取物时,高于75 mM的盐度会导致染色体改变的数量增加。结论:结果表明,使用胡萝卜提取物对水稻cv的根分生组织的有丝分裂指数有积极作用。 BRS 358,在存在或不存在盐胁迫的情况下发芽。



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